Chapter Five

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my eyes started to open, head feeling heavy as i tried to move. i seen the floor, the floor of the bedroom i was just in.

i feel someone's arms wrapped around me, whimpering little by little. my eyes fully open, puffy and heavy, but open. it's maggie.

i try to move but i had been beaten so bad that i could barely move my arm, my muscles ache in pain. i grunted from trying to move.

i looked down to see a blanket covering me up, making sure i was not exposed anymore.  i turned to the door & seen nobody there.

"m-maggie," i tried to say but my throat hurt so bad from the tshirt. "yes?" she asked softly wiping the blood & tears off of my face. "where'd everyone go?" i asked, barely coughing out.

"everyone went back home when you blacked out. we took care of the man & the body. i was waiting for the boys to get back to help carry you to the car," she continued, " but it seems like we don't need them anymore." she smiled at me & begin to help me up.

she got me sweatpants from the parents drawer with a pair of underwear while saying "well wash you up when you get home."

i grinned alittle & shook my head, "thank you."

"no, thank daryl. he's very worried about, he killed that man in an instant."

i only remember some before i blacked out but i vaguely remember that. that was so embarrassing, having everyone see me in that state.

being open & exposed for everyone to see in embarrassment.

i could only think what daryl could see me as after this or how anyone would for a matter of fact. i don't want to be pitied nor do i want this to define me.

i cant live like it never happened. it'll be the talk of the place, as soon as i get back but nobody will ask.

it's crazy how many people talk to you & how many people talk about you.

"just, thank you" i said with sincerity while looking up at her. she put her arm around my neck n gave me a light squeeze due to what happened.

"i'll be outside now"

i gather my things as she walked outside, the bag & my weapons. i stared at the pool of blood on the floor, feeling my stomach sink down. tears started falling down my face again as i wiped them away.

i started walking out of the house, i stared down the whole time until i got down with the group. i nearly glared up & they all looked at me with pity. great.

"come on sunshine, let's get you home," a husky voice said & i look up at the bloody red neck. daryl was covered in blood, knuckles red & swollen, even blood all over his face. his eyes were a little red too, he might have been crying a little.

i just nodded while watching him get on his bike. i got on the bike, it hurt. i winced very quietly & daryl heard me. he looked at me for a second before turning around & saying, "we'll catch up," to the group.

the group spend off & daryl proceeded to get off the bike. he put his hands under your arm pits & picked you up off of the bike to place you on your feet.

"here's a blanket you can sit on, i don't have much but it's the least i can do," he shyly said while digging in his bag.

you had no idea what to think, is he only being nice to you because of the pity or because he possibly cared?

"listen y/n, i shouldn't of made you come. maggie told me how yall were talking about the man before hand, that's something you can tell me. yardy know i could've helped you or stuck around for your safety. i cant lose nobody else, i cant get that imagine of you out of my head," he continued while staring at the blanket, "you didn't deserve that. your face.. i never want to see that expression on it ever again. y/n please tell me if you feel that towards someone or feel unsafe, it just ain't sittin with me right."

i played with my fingers before answering, " it's okay daryl i-" i was cutoff.

"no, man, it's not okay!" he screamed turning around kicking the trash can. "i don't hate you, i just see the love everybody has for you & i envy it. i hate that i have it for you too, i don't show it because everyone else does while you just shrug it off. i wanted to stand out, standing out that way for you to see me alittle and to make you wonder."

by this time he had calmed down & just stood there,
"i envy how everyone needs you for something and wants you around. not everyone wants a stupid redneck around that can only track walkers," he muttered.

i immediately ran for a hug. he gripped me hard & i whined. "i'm sorry princess," he said easing up.

"it's not that i don't want you around, you make me dislike myself with how rudely you talk to me. i just had always wished that whatever you hated about me would leave so you would stop treating me like dog shit. i like having you around daryl, you're the crowds favorite redneck," i said while giggling alittle.

you two stayed in the embrace alittle longer then let go, "let's take you home now," he said while placing the blanket down.

it felt so much easier than before and didn't hurt as bad. i nuzzled my head into the back of daryls back & grabbed onto him as tight as my sore muscles could.

i glanced up seeing his little cute smirk in the bikes mirror.

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