- Chapter 3 -

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"Whoa, London sounds cool."
Suna replied.

You guys were just outside the subway station, and you had updated him on all of the recent events.

"Yeah, I loved it there."
A small smile crosses your face as you said this.
You couldn't wait till Christmas, you couldn't wait till you could step foot in your beloved home town.

"I think you'll like it here in Japan. We got dope stuff too." Suna said, grinning.

"Well, I can't wait to see what Japan has to offer." you said smiling.

"Anyways, thanks for walking me here."
you replied, as you entered the subway station.

"Oh well, I could, I could uh," Suna said awkwardly, "wait with you. For your train I mean."

He rubbed the back of his neck, he seemed kind of nervous.

"Oh, alright then." you said surely.

"Did you make any friends today? I know Inarizaki High can be filled with a lot of uh-" Suna awkwardly says, "unfriendly people."

He seemed to be able to tell that you were feeling a little down.

"Well I made one friend."


"You dumbass. Or we could be companions whatever you're comfortable with"
you chuckled as you said this.
Suna really was oblivious.

  "Oh? We're friends?" Suna said, processing what you just said.

You nodded. "Again only if you wanna be."

Suna suppressed a lazy smile.
"Sounds good to me."

"Yo, is that you Suna?"
You could hear a familiar voice call out to Suna.

"Hey 'Tsumu whats up?"
Suna said, addressing the guy behind him.

You turned to get a view of the person he was talking to, and came face to face with subway boy. His eyes went wide and your jaw dropped.

"Oh this is (y/n) (l/n)  by the way-"
Suna trailed off.

"Hey, where did she go?"

You felt your heart pound faster as you hid behind one of the stations's pillars.

"What was subway boy doing here?"


"How did he know Suna?"

"And did he recognize me?"

All these thoughts crowded your headspace as you tried to think straight.

You felt bad for leaving Suna like that, but for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to talk to subway boy.

"I really need to stop referring to him as subway boy."

"(Y/n) there you are!"
You heard Suna say as he approached you.

You felt your heart drop. Was subway boy with him?

"Hey are you alright? You look really pale." Suna said as he slowly touched your shoulder.       

"I- I'm fine! I just was trying to find a water fountain. Sorry I left so abruptly." you said nervously.

"No problem... anyways your train is here." Suna said, pointing at your train.

He didn't quite seem to believe your water fountain story.

"Ok! I'll see you at school Suna. Thanks for dropping me off!"
you waved goodbye as you entered the train.

You could see his normally lazy expression form into a wholesome smile.


"Hey! 'Tsumu!" Suna called out to Atsumu."

"Oh, hey man. I thought you were taking the subway."
Atsumu replied, he seemed a bit surprised to see Suna.
"Nah, I was just dropping a friend off."

"That (y/n) (l/n) girl?"

"Yeah, she's new and she's pretty nice." Suna said.

Atusmu seemed to notice the small smile that Suna had.

"Must be a special girl to get YOU to smile like that." Atsumu chuckled.

"We're just friends! She's nice she doesn't seem like the other girls in our school who just fan girl over you and your brother and gossip all the time."
Suna said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, alright I got it. I mean can you blame those fan girls though? I'm pretty freaking amazing."
Atsumu laughed as he adjusted his backpack so it didn't slip off his shoulder.

Suna rolled his eyes.

Atsumu was what he had always been, self-centered and egotistical.

"You ready for the training camp."
Suna asked, quickly changing the topic.

"Uh, yeah. Man, I don't get why everyone's asking me that lately. We're the best. Those other fools don't stand a chance."
Atsumu exclaimed proudly.

"Yeah, hope you're right." Suna replied as he looked up at the clear, blue sky.

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