- Chapter 20 -

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Atsumu stood in the rain, the small droplets hit his umbrella in a melodic beat.

You had just exited the school building, and most of the volleyball team had either already left or were still chatting at the entrance of the school.

Atsumu looked lost in thought, he held his hand out to feel the cold water droplets hit his hand.

You pulled your hoodie over your head, trying to protect your hair from the rain.

As you approached the area Atsumu was standing by, he turned to look at you.
He looked unusually happy today, a small grin was on his face.
And his eyes seemed to light up when he saw you.

"You're gonna catch a cold."
Atsumu replied.

You made eye contact with him and rolled your eyes.
"I'll be fine."

You continued to walk down the sidewalk, but heard footsteps behind you.
Before you knew it, Atsumu was standing right next to you, and his umbrella was above your head.

"A-Atsumu I-

Atsumu put his finger to his lips to shush you.
"I don't wanna hear it, we can't have the princess getting sick."
He smirked as he said this.

"You're never gonna stop calling me princess are you?"
You asked, giving Atsumu a sly grin.

"Of course not!"
He exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around you shoulder, pulling you closer towards him.
You could smell his cologne and feel the warmth of his sweatshirt.

"Anyways, tell me more about London subway girl, I wanna know what it's like."
Atsumu replied, as he looked up at the cloudy sky.
He seemed to be trying to imagine what it would be like.

"It was home. It rained there often, and I had a good friend group."
You smiled as you said this.

Atsumu looked back at you, he could tell that you loved your home.
"Yeah, it must have been tough leaving. I mean Japan is pretty different right (y/n)?"

You nodded.
"It's ok though, I'm going back to London for Christmas. My friends are planning a party."
You explained.

"Aw, I was planning to spend Christmas with you subway girl."
Atsumu chuckled.

"Y-you were?"
You asked, curious to hear what Atsumu was planning.

He nodded.
"The whole team, you and maybe even Himari. Since she's your friend, I got to admit though she is a bit annoying."

"Don't say that about her asshole, you're pretty annoying yourself!"
You objected as you playfully pulled Atsumu's ear.

"Hey! Watch it!"
Atsumu laughed as he pulled your hoodie off of your head.

"It's nice to see Suna and Osamu talking again."
You mumbled.

"Huh? Oh well it was bound to happen. Those two are best-friends, no matter the conflict they get over it. Heck, I think Osamu likes Suna more than me."
Atsumu explained.

"Ah, well that's good. Anyways, I hope to spend the New Year with you."
You stopped walking and smiled.

Atsumu glanced over at you, his honey brown eyes were focused on your face.
He started grinning widely.
"You bet you will!"
He exclaimed as he continued walking.

"Hey! Come back, we were sharing the umbrella!"
You called out as you ran after him, that man could walk fast.

Soon, you two had reached the subway station.

"Can you believe that of all places, I met your dumbass here."
You chuckled as you waited beside Atsumu for your train.

"Shut up idiot! That's how I met your dumbass!"
Atsumu exclaimed as he elbowed you.

You laughed, and punched his arm.

"I can't believe you don't have a girlfriend you know that?"
You chuckled as you said this.

Atsumu sighed.
"Why, am I that beautiful?"
He smirked at you.

"No! That's not what I meant, you just seem to have a ton of fans, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for one of them."
You objected as you crossed your arms.

Atsumu chuckled.
"I'm not interested in the chicks who like me."

"Is that so? Do you like anybody then?"
You asked, as you grabbed a piece of gum from your pocket.

Atsumu stared at you, he seemed to be studying your face again.
He smiled and looked away from you.
He didn't seem to want to answer the question, but it was obvious that someone was on his mind.

The station had become quiet, and only the sound of the rain hitting the ground outside and the humming of the subway speeding past the tracks, filled the station.
Atsumu was still quiet, it had gotten awkward between you two after you asked that question.
He still seemed to be thinking about it.
"Is it really that hard to decide whether or not you like someone?"
You thought, as you stared down at your sneakers.

Soon your train had pulled up to the tracks.

"Well, see you later loser."
You smirked as you headed to the entrance of the train.
Atsumu smiled at you and waved.

"Hey (y/n)..."
He suddenly called out, just as you entered the train.


"You could say that, I do like someone. A special someone."

Before you could ask who, the doors of the train shut and it started zooming past the tracks.

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