- Chapter 28 -

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Miya Osamu.
Despite being the more intellectual twin, he always felt as if he was cast in his brother's shadow.

Of course anybody would find that strange, since Osamu was the youngest. Younger siblings were usually the ones showered with attention.
Atsumu was the more social and people pleaser type of guy.
The type that would often hear this phrase:

"Miya senpai! You did amazing at your game today!"

Osamu on the other hand, never quite got much attention.
Whether that be from the ladies, his parents or even his own teammates.
It was always:
"Atsumu this!" and "Atsumu that!"
Osamu didn't mind not being the center of attention, but everyone wanted a little love at times.

And as a twin, he was bound to feel jealous of his brother.

So when Osamu met you, it felt refreshing. Finally a girl who had common sense, and didn't fall flat on their face for Miya Atsumu.
He liked how blunt and straightforward you could be, along with your caring and emotional side.
In all honesty, he loved everything about you
From your luscious (h/c) hair, to your slightly pink lips.

"She's perfect."
He had thought, the minute he bumped into you, on your first day of school.

But even now, Osamu felt guilty.
After the party, things went downhill for the two of you.
And he felt as though he had damaged any type of real relationship he could've had with you.

And for the first time in his life (other than when he fought his brother) Osamu couldn't control his emotions.

So as he stood by the beige picnic table, watching another guy embrace you,
he felt his heart ache.
But unlike his brother, Osamu didn't let envy cause him to make stupid decisions.

Suna was blushing, and he seemed a bit awkward.
You looked startled, and were quickly wiping the tears off of your face.

Osamu on the other hand?
He was silent, and looked extremely confused.

"U-uhm, I brought (y/n) here for a picnic."
Suna replied.

"Oh, you ok (y/n)?"
Osamu asked, he could still see your wet cheeks and slightly red eyes.
You had definitely been crying.

You nodded, plastering a fake smile across your face.

"You're lying."
Osamu thought, he felt a bit hurt about you not opening up to him.

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