- Chapter 18 -

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Osamu collapsed onto his bed.
It was almost 1:30, and he was exhausted.
"What a disaster..."
He thought as he picked up his phone.
His twin brother was snoring loudly in the bed, across the room.

A black cat scurried across the floor and jumped onto Osamu's bed.
The feline nestled on top of Osamu, rolling around playfully on his chest.

"I wish more people could be like you Sora, simple and quiet. She's nothing like that...I don't get why I like her. It makes no sense."
Osamu whispered to the cat, as he gently pet it's head.
"I'm so pathetic, sitting here and sulking about a girl who doesn't give a shit."
He thought aloud.
"Wonder how that idiot gets girls..."
Osamu whispered as he glanced over at his brother.
Atsumu was deep asleep, he seemed to be drooling all over his pillow.


"Tonight had been quite eventful."
You thought as you carefully shut your window.

After Osamu had confessed, you had stared at him for a long hard minute.
You wanted to scream.
But he looked like a sad little puppy, eagerly waiting for your response.

You had managed to say.

He had asked.

"No Osamu."

"Hey come here..."
He had tried to pull you in for a hug but you pushed his arm away.

"Don't touch me."
You replied, in a rather quiet voice.
You were staring at your sneakers, not able to face him.

"W-why are you acting like this..?"
He asked, his voice sounded hurt.

You felt yourself tremble, you didn't want to hurt him but, you just didn't have feelings for him.

"I'm sorry... I have to get home."
You said suddenly as you exited the park.

There was a moment when you had turned back to look at him.
He had his hands in his pockets and he was looking away from you.

You remember having the urge to run back to him, and apologize for being so rude.
Osamu has saved you during the school trip after all.
But for some reason, you didn't stop walking. And now all the emotions and regrets were floating back into your mindset as you sat on your bed, unable to think straight.

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