I love you baby

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Robin's: POV


September 5th 1994: Hogwarts

"You can go now." said Mcgonagall. "Thank you Professor." I replied and went out from her classroom.

"Detention again?" asked Harry. "It's not your problem, Potter." I said coldly. "Harry, we've lesson with Hagrid now." replied Hermione. "Okay." he said and went away with Hermione and Ron.

I walked to the stone bridge and sat down. In front of me sat a boy with raven hair with gray eyes and he was very cute.

"You are Robin Lestrange?" said the boy. "Yes and you?" I asked. "Ashley Raven." he replied. "Nice name." I said with a smile on my face. Thanks." replied Alec and blushed a bit.

(Ashley Raven, 13)

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(Ashley Raven, 13)

(Robin Lestrange, 13)

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(Robin Lestrange, 13)

"Are you? you know!" asked Ash. "Yes, I'm a death eater." I said proudly. "Me too." he replied. "That's so cool." I said.

"You're very cute." replied Ashley. "Aww." I said with a soft smile. "I love you baby." he replied and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and a wonderful feeling filled my body.


We went back to school hand in hand. But my smile faded when I saw Professor Snape. "Why aren't you two at Hagrid's lesson?" asked Severus. "I had detention again." I said. "I was not in mood." replied Ash. "Let's go for this time." he said and walked away.

We went to Slytherin's common room and Ash sat down on my lap. I stroked his cheek with a smile. "We'll always be together, no matter what happens." he said. "Nothing can separate us." I replied and kissed him again.

-End of the flashback-

Thank you glambertybear for being in my book

Robin met Ashley during the third year and they fell in love. They are so cute.

I hope you liked this chapter.


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