I have done something horrible

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Severus: POV

I went to the kitchen and saw a letter on the table. Tears had smeared the ink, but I saw it was from Adam.

Dear Severus

You will live in my friend's childhood's home where you're safe. I have done something horrible and I will never be able to forgive myself.

Grimmlaud's place 12 is a sanctuary and no uninvited guests can get in. I love you so much Severus. I hope you understand why I do this. Andromeda will take you to the house. Miss you so much. /Adam

I packed down my stuff and the the doorbell rang. I opened the door and in came in a woman. "It must be you who's Andromeda." I said. "Yes, but we haven't time to talk." she replied. Me and my kids took our bags and we apparated us to the house.

Andromeda put a protective spell over the house just in case if anything would happen. "You are safe here. I have to go back home and take care of my grandson Teddy." said Andromeda. "Thank you." I replied. "You're welcome." she said and left.


Esme's: POV

I would take a bath when I saw something on my left forearm. Someone had burned the dark mark on my arm. But The Dark Lord was dead? I tried to wash away the mark, but it didn't worked.

I picked up my dad's necklace and held it against my chest. I wasn't ready to be a death eater and kill people.

We know her family history, she's just like your dad. I heard an unknown voice in my head. You will be just like your father and he will be so proud of you. Make your family proud and don't make the same mistake as your father. I trust you Esme.

Poor Severus, if he only knew what Adam has done to keep him and his family safe.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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