Hogwarts express

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Adam's: POV

September 1st 2021: King's cross

"Dad, I'm so nervous." said Luna. "Everything will go well." I replied. "I'm with you." said Esme. Luna smiled softly at her sisters.

(Luna, 11)

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(Luna, 11)

(Esme, 15)

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(Esme, 15)

(Esme, 15)

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(Lily, 24)

"Papa, what if I end up in Gryffindor."
said Luna. "It doesn't matter which house you end up in, we'll love you no matter what." replied Severus. "Thank you." she said.

Esme took her sister's hand and they went on the Hogwarts Express. I wrapped my arms around my husband and he smiled. Our children waved at us and we waved back. We saw when the train left the station and drove to Hogwarts.


Addy's: POV

I was sitting in my cell in Azkaban. A freezing cold wind flew through the open window and my whole body froze.

I was only wearing thin prison clothes. I would either froze to death or die of starvation here. To my horror I saw a dementor. He'd suck out my soul and take away my happiness. I closed my eyes and let him come.

Thank you glambertybear for being in my book

It's Luna's time to start at Hogwarts. I'm happy for her.

I hope you liked the chapter


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