Chapter 4: horrible bosses

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(Prussia's pov)
"Oh so zhe frau has read it and feels zhe same...vell zhere still is no use oh Gilbird jour so cute und awesome helping me but ve still can't be together. Change of subject I have got a meeting vith mein unawsome boss so jou vill stay at (c/n) in (y/n)'s house so be good und brave if she gets into trouble come und get me. Jou got zhat?" I said to the yellow bird, my wing man, Gilbird he just chirped in response and used his wing to salute me. I opened a drawer and pulled out a little Teutonic knight cape and wrapped it around Gilbird so awesome. The birdie sat on my head as I walked out to find (y/n). Mein Gott look at her sleeping in our half made nest...cute. I thought of an awesome plan to prank her. I quickly ran to my house to pick up some charcoal and then I went back to (y/n)'s sleeping body and drew all over her face. "Kesesese I can't vait to tell mein diary about zhis!" I whisper shouted which woke (y/n) up I think because she opened her eyes luckily I dropped the charcoal so she didn't see it. "Oh finally jour avake I have a favour can jou please take care of Gilbird vhilst I have a meeting vith mein boss?" I asked but I know she will say yes "of course who wouldn't want to take care of him." She said with a grin "vell zhat is sorted zhen I vill be going now jou know how to get to jour house so Bis später Alligator*!" (*see you later alligator) I walked off into the town to my countries leader's house.
{mini time skip}
I sat down at the long table with some of my men who were already there and then our leader came out and stood at the end near me.
"Ve vill attack zhe country (c/n) and danke to Prussia zhey von't know it's coming und all zhere defences vill be down." Our leader said. I started to sweat and my heart sunk no that's wrong I've got to say something I don't want to fight her I cant believe I got close to her so he could attack I thought our leader just wanted us to be allies. "NEIN ve are not attacking!" I shouted "and jour reason for zhis is..." the leader said with a smirk "b...because Ich liebe sie* (*I love her) a...and ve are beste Freunde* (*best friends) I could never hurt her!" I was still shouting and one of my men gave me a warning look....what have I done. "Oh so jou became attached to her huh I thought I told jou not to I told jou not to get close und zhen ve vill invade und grow stronger OH VAIT nein it must have slipped mein mind vell anyway if jou can't hurt her I'm sure jour men can now jou are dismissed." O...our leader mein leader is despicable I can't believe he did that. "N...nein I vill battle (c/n) long as it's me maybe she vill understand" I whispered the last part as I thought of a plan so I didn't have to kill her.

{your POV}
Why was Gilbird looking at me like that... "is there something on my face?" I asked as I held the yellow ball of fluff up to my face he just snuggled close to my cheek but when he hopped back a little he has black marks on his feathers. "Oh...well I wonder who did that!" I knew Gilbert did this I can't believe he let me walk around looking like that. I went up to a window and saw drawings all over my face. I was just going to wash it off but decided to have a bath instead as I got in Gilbird hopped onto the side of the bath. "No, no don't jump in!" I told the bird but he still jumped into the bath. I shook my head as I washed the charcoal off of him and then put him in my hair as I sunk down in the water so it was up to my chin. I washed my own face and just relaxed in the water "hmm can you eat other food that's just seeds?" I asked Gilbird he chirped in response 'was that a yes I guess' I thought then I went under the water Gilbird was floating away I washed my hair and then popped back up to breath and get the little bird he flew back to my head as I grabbed a towel and dried myself then I got out some clean clothes and went to grab some food as I looked out the window "it's starting to get dark do you think your going to sleep here if it gets too late?" I once again asked the little bird ,who was on the kitchen side as I made some kind of snack for myself and Gilbird, he just hopped around ignoring what I said in hopes he does get to stay for tonight. I sat at the table think about how lonely I really was if it weren't for Gilbert being my friend I would probably be a dissolved country or a prisoner to someone else or even go insane I laughed at the last thought and got to work on sharpening and shining my weapons as well as repairing and repainting my shields out of all the work I had to do as a country this was my favourite and quite relaxing.

Beste freunde für immer (best friends for ever) Prussia x reader Where stories live. Discover now