Never Not (Tzukook)

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She slowly closed her eyes, her eyelids felt heavy again. It was one of those times again when she cried herself to sleep.

She had been like this for a couple of days now. It's really rare for her to be like this but sometimes, she just had to let it out. It wasn't easy to keep bottled emotions. The reasons were usually, her, missing her family, or him.

Him... Has it been almost a week now already?

A tear escaped from her eyes as she thought of this. What has been a week felt like forever for her.

She forced herself to get off from her bed which was her companion for the past few days.

She sighed looking at her now heavily stained pillow, must be because of all the eye makeup she had on mixed with her tears. She should throw this into the wash and change it with a fresh one when they get back home tonight.

She looked at the time. It was still early, something unusual for her as she had been sleeping in. This made her other members worry for her as she normally was one of the first few members to get up first.

She looked around. It didn't seem like the sun was up. Well, it was still half past 4. The other members with her were still fast asleep too.

She reached for her towel and headed to the bathroom. They had a schedule today. It was supposed to be a jam packed day actually.

They were going to have a come back the next month. They have been practicing day and night. They were doing some finishing touches for their recording as well.

This was good. She was keeping herself busy, an attempt to distract herself from some recent events.

"Oh, Tzuyu~yah, you're early today," Dahyun commented with a sleepy voice as soon as she went out of the bathroom. The older girl looked like she could use some more sleep. She just smiled as reply.

She made way so as Dahyun can use the bathroom. She quickly changed into some comfortable clothes, an oversized hoodie and a pair of jeans.

She grabbed her bag but heard something had snapped from her bag. This made her nervous. She furrowed her brows as it was still a bit dark inside their room, trying to look for whatever it was. She managed to see what it was.

She sat on her bed, staring at the small dutch clog slipper keyring that had snapped from its handle.

"Mamah, I thought you were coming with me?" she whined with a pout, holding her mom's hand, not wanting to let go.

"Don't worry. I'll follow you in Belgium," her pout grew even more. "You're going to enjoy this," her mom assured her.

She exhaled deep before taking her small luggage with her. She passed through customs and immigration with something bothering her.

"How can I enjoy when I'm going alone?" she whispered to herself.

She had been dreaming of going around Europe but never alone. If it was even possible, she'd love to go there with someone very dear to her.

Yes, him. Yet, he was still very busy. Their comeback was fast approaching and his schedule should be really hectic.

She had not seen him for a week now but he still never failed to message and facetime her.

She was one of the few who first boarded the plane as she was flying business. Her mom even asked her if she wanted to go first class but that was too much for her. The business class should be fine and she should be able to get some rest while on the plane.

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