Chapter 2 💛

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I woke up and checked my phone, it was only 9:00 so I decided to just scroll through instagram for a bit. Now it was 10:30 I hopped out of bed and into the shower I got dressed and put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

I walked downstairs to see Bryce and Quinton playing video games

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I walked downstairs to see Bryce and Quinton playing video games.
Bryce: "yo Ellie how did you sleep"
Ellie: "not bad, I'm starving could you show me where the kitchen is?"
Bryce: "yeah"
We both walked into the kitchen and Bryce showed me where all the stuff was kept. I made an ACAI bowl.
Bryce: "so what do you think of Quinton, he's only 16" he said winking.
Ellie: "I don't know Bryce, one there's no way Jaden will ever let me and two he probably doesn't like me"
Ellie: "what are you doing"
Quinton walked in the kitchen and I blushed. I can't seriously have a crush on one of my brothers friends, this is terrible!
Quinton: "what's up"
Bryce: "Quinton this is Ellie jadens sister and Ellie this is Quinton the newest member to sway"
Ellie: "h-hey"
Quinton: "hi, what you up to"
Ellie: "having breakfast"
Quinton: "cool I'll be in the other room, you coming Bryce?"
They both left, that was so awkward and embarrassing! He obviously doesn't like me, I don't think I can bring myself to even look him in the eye ever again. I was so angry with Bryce! I went up to my room and decided to text my best friend Mads.
Ellie ❤️😈
Hey, something really bad just happened!!!
Mads 🥵💕
Oh no what's going on?
Ellie ❤️😈
Well I ended up meeting Quinton and I was totally blushing and he was having no of it, he basically just left! 🥺
Mads 🥵💕
You like Quinton? You've only just met him what are you like 😂 I'm sure everything will be ok 😘
Ellie ❤️😈
I guess, I have to go speak soon bye
There was a knock at my door.
Ellie: "what do you want?"
Jaden: "wanna go in the pool, hurry all the boys are out there"
Ellie: "yeah, I'll be down in a sec"
I went through my suitcase to find the cutest bikini, I put it on and went down stairs.

Jaden: "absolutely fucking not, go and cover up now!"Ellie: "no, I can wear what I want"Jaden: "whilst your here your under my rules, I said no so go and fucking change!"I ran past him, straight outside to by the pool

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Jaden: "absolutely fucking not, go and cover up now!"
Ellie: "no, I can wear what I want"
Jaden: "whilst your here your under my rules, I said no so go and fucking change!"
I ran past him, straight outside to by the pool. Kio and griffin had got back today, I was excited to see them again. All they boys looked my up and down, I felt so insecure. I heard Jaden running so I quickly jumped in the pool.
Jaden: "get out and go change"
Josh: " bro it's fine half of us have girls and she's like a sister to us. Just let her wear what she wants"
Jaden: "fine"
Jaden stormed off inside, he's so protective it's so annoying. After awhile I get bored and decided to go back in. I saw Quinton sat on the sofa so I went and say by him. I wanted to try and talk to him since it was so awkward earlier.
Ellie: "Hi Quinton"
Quinton: "hey Ellie, you alright"
Ellie: "yeah I'm good, so this morning was a bit awkward so I was wondering if we can start again?"
Quinton: "yeah I agree" he said laughing
Ellie: "Hi I'm Ellie, Jadens sister and you are?"
Quinton: "Quinton but you can call me Quin" he said smiling.
I walked upstairs because I had to tell Mads about this. (Yes I mean Mads Lewis, Jadens ex. Ellie and Mads got very close and are now best friends)
Ellie ❤️😈
Omg I spoke to Quinton and it wasn't awkward it was really good!
Mads 🥵💕
Yayyy! Hey I was wondering you wanna go to a party tonight
Ellie ❤️😈
Hell yeah, when and where
Mads 🥵💕
Come to my house for 10, don't bring the boys
Ellie ❤️😈
Ok I'll be there
I run downstairs and try and find Jaden. He was making a TikTok. I had a tiktok account but I had blocked all the sway boys because I know that Jaden and so,e of the boys would not like what I post. Once he'd finished I went up to him.
Ellie: "can I please go to a party tonight, Mads will be there"
Jaden: "as if, 100% NO"
Ellie: "please, this is so unfair"
Jaden: "will there be boys and alcohol?"
Ellie: "No" obviously I knew there were I just had to persuade him to let me go.
Jaden: "so what the point in going then, now go away I'm busy.
I stormed up to my room, I was furious. Then I realized that so what Jaden won't let me go he doesn't have to know. It was 7pm and I decided to go downstairs because I was hungry. I ordered Taco Bell and went back up to my room. I didn't want anyone to see or speak to me, I was such a terrible liar. After eating I decided to get ready I looked like this:

 After eating I decided to get ready I looked like this:

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I waited until it was 9:30 and I snuck down stairs and went out through the back door so no one would see me

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I waited until it was 9:30 and I snuck down stairs and went out through the back door so no one would see me. Mads only lived 20 minutes away so I decided to walk, I turned my location off and got to Mads house.
Mads: "Ellie you look stunning, I've missed you so much"
Ellie: "omg same"
We took a mirror pic together but we didn't post it because the boys didn't know I had snuck out. We made a tiktok and I posted it on my account. Nobody knew I was Jadens sister and that how I liked it but it blew up because Mads was famous.
We got to the party and went in. It was so crowded.
Mads: "come on let's get some drinks"
Ellie: "ok I'm coming"
I was so drunk and so was Mads we're we're having the best time, when something happened that would change my life completely.....

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying it if you have any idea of what you want me to write next let me know.
Word count-1045

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