So the last chapter was very depressing, it will get a lot happier.
Anthony POV I wasn't going to tell anyone about what happened this morning but I feel like I have to. Jaden was so worried and so were the rest of the boys. Jaden: "What was all that about, I've never seen her like that. Kio: "I literally didn't touch her at all, I promise. Josh: "she seemed hurt, WAIT YOU DONT THIN-" Bryce: "HOLY SHIT" Anthony: "Erm so guys" I rubbed my neck worried. Jaden: "WHAT ANTHONY" Anthony: "So it was like 7am or something and I was just going to the bathroom and when I opened my door I saw Ellie. She was a mess, it looked like she was crying. There were bruises all over her neck, she told me not to tell anyone I had seen her. I didn't know what to do I'm so sorry. Jaden stormed off, all the other boys looked at me in disappointment. Ellie's POV I can't believe that just happened, Anthony probably told them everything. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door. Ellie: "go away" Jaden: "please let me in, Anthony told me everything" I slowly opened the door and saw Jaden with puffy red eyes, he was crying. Ellie: "I-I'm sorry" I looked down to the ground, if I didn't go to the party then non of this would of happened. He hugged me tight. Jaden: "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I nodded, went to go and sit on my bed. I explained what happened at the party and Jaden was in tears again. I felt so bad. Jaden: "but what happened to your wrist?" I rolled up my sleeve and look at Jaden, he looked so heartbroken. I was so selfish I should of just talked to him in the first place instead of doing something stupid which hurts everyone. We just cuddled until I started to get sleepy, he got up and was about to leave. Ellie: "can you erm stay please" He jumped back in bed. Jaden: "of course"
Next morning I woke up in an empty bed, I felt so much better today, but my neck still hurt a lot. I went to my bathroom to have a shower when I realized all my razors were gone. Jaden was the best brother but I can't be being hairy. I got out and got changed into this:
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I left my hair down. There was a knock at my door. Jaden: "hey, can I come in?" Ellie: "yeah" Jaden: "so the boys know about what happened at the party, but I haven't mentioned what you did. I was t sure if you wanted them to know, for now I just told them that your arm probably hurt when kio grabbed you because you were sore. Anyway are you feeling better today?" Ellie: "thank you, but I don't want to tell them about it. I'm feeling so much better I don't know what I would do without you Jay." I ran up to him and hugged him tight, he hugged me back and kissed my forehead. Jaden: "I love you El your the best sister anyone could have." I went back to my bed and sat down, Jaden walked out the door but shortly after popped his head back again. Jaden: "and from now on NO parties unless I'm there and don't lie to me. Remember I only want what's best for you." Ellie: "yeah I agree sorry I didn't listen to you" Jaden: "don't worry about it now, I'm just popping to target want anything?" Ellie: "can you just get me some snacks i don't mind what" Jaden: "yeah sure, also I have a surprise for you later. BYEEEE" After everything that happened I decided to not go on social media for a while I need a break and time. I still haven't seen the boys, I thought now would be the best time to talk to them. They were probably worried. I walked down and saw Quinton sat on the sofa, he looked up at me and smiled. Quinton: "Hey Ellie, how are you" Ellie: "I'm good" it was so awkward. Quinton was at the hype house when all the stuff went down yesterday but I could tell he knew. Quinton: "can I get you anything at all?" Ellie: "I was just going to grab some lunch wanna help?" Quinton: "I thought you'd never ask" We walked to the kitchen, I honestly thought that all the boys would be like weird about it but Quinton was being so kind and acting like it didn't happen. He made me laugh so much. We made (just choose whatever you like I'm British so I have no idea what Americans eat for lunch) it was so fun and we made such a mess. Ellie: "so where at all the boys at?" Quinton: "Griff went to see Dixie, Bryce, Josh and Kio are outside I think and Anthony is in his room playing videos games" Ellie: "Has everyone been talking about me?" Quinton: "well once Jaden told us this morning we were all abit shocked but we don't want to overwhelm you so we thought we would just try not to talk about it." I just nodded. We finished our food and went back to the living room . Quinton: "movie?" Ellie: "give me like half an hour, I want to go and speak to the boys I think I owe the, an apology. I walked upstairs to Anthony's room and knocked on the door, a red, puffy eyes Anthony opened the door and just looked at me like I had superpowers. Ellie: "can we talk?" Anthony: "yEah" His voice cracked trying to hold back the tears. I walked into his room and sat on his bed, he came and sat next to me. Ellie: "I am so so so sorry Anthony, I should never of made you lie to everyone." Anthony: "Ellie it's not your fault, I should never of kept it a secret I should of protected you and not let you off so easily. Listen I know that you for a fact didn't have any bruises or marks on your wrists, I could of prevented you from hurting yourself. Your like my little sister and I let you down, I let everyone down. He burst into tears, this was all my fault. I felt so bad. Ellie: "no this wasn't your fault I did it to myself. You are and always will be my big brother and you shouldn't punish your self for something I did. The marks will be gone soon and Jaden took my razors, I regret what I did so much. But it is not your fault." He looked at me and I jumped in his arms, causing us to fall of the bed. We both laughed. I stayed with Anthony for a while until I heard Bryce down stairs. It was now time to talk to the rest of the boys
Please if you like this so far let me know what to do for other chapters, I don't have any ideas . Even thought there is the stuff going on with the arrest and that Jaden and Josh have left sway I'm not including those bits as it would completely change the story.
I also want to point out something which had been going on recently. BLACK LIVES MATTER Period. I stand by and with the black community and respect them. No body should be judged on the colour of there skin it's so wrong and it's not fair. Innocent lives have been taken for doing nothing just because they are black. The world we live in today is disgusting and I can't believe that this kind of treatment is still going on. Everyone is equal. We stand together. It is not white vs black it is black and white vs racists. Please to help you dont have to donate money but just easily as signing a petition that will help. You can make a change.