Chapter 7💛

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Quinton: "so do you want to go swimming?"
Ellie: "yeahhh just let me get changed"
I went to my room and decided to pick out a really nice bikini to impress Quinton.

Quinton: "so do you want to go swimming?"Ellie: "yeahhh just let me get changed"I went to my room and decided to pick out a really nice bikini to impress Quinton

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I walked down to the pool and I saw Quinton waiting for me.
Quinton: "Woahhhhhh you look beautiful"
Ellie: "thanks"
I blushed so hard. We sat in the pool for like 10 minutes then all the boys came out and Bryce was holding a camera. He was filming a video for his vlog, I ran inside so quickly, I hated people knowing I'm Jadens sister and I don't want to get caught with Quinton Jaden would kill me.
I went to my room and got changed into some sweats.

I got in my bed and watched some Netflix, whilst all the boys were outside

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I got in my bed and watched some Netflix, whilst all the boys were outside.

Skip to 5pm
As I was watching Netflix I got a text of Mads.

Mads 🥵❤️
Hey Ellie haven't spoke in a while, party at mine tonight you in?

Ellie 😈😘
I don't know Mads, last time didn't end well.

Mads 🥵❤️
Come on your so boring. It's at my house so you'll be safe.

Ellie 😈😘
Ok fine but can Bryce come?

Mads 🥵❤️
No are you coming or not NO sway boys

Ellie 😈😘
Fine I'll be at your house in 3 hours

Mads 🥵❤️
See you thereeeeeee

I know for a fact I shouldn't be going to this party but I'm only a teenager once right. I wasn't going to tell anyone and plus Mads house is safe I could easily just go to her room if anything happened.
I started to get ready, I wore:

I started to get ready, I wore:

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