A New School?

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The bright sun had beamed through the the car window, hitting Ryujin's face as the tears started to finally dry away. The girl hadn't been sad to finally leave her poor home town but to leave her two friends Heejin and Hyunjin behind. Her sister on the other hand looked like she was having the time of her life. A big and bright smile plastered on her face as she tapped her feet around in anticipation.

"Stop tapping your feet. It's annoying me" The blue haired girl said as the younger one stuck out her tongue, catching the attention of her mother. "Girls stop it ok. You guys need to be on your best behavior for our new apartment neighborhood" their mother scolded making Ryujin roll her eyes.

 "Why did we move in the first place then, we were fine just where we were" Ryujin remarked "honey you know how much this new job means too me, why can't you just be like you sister and face the fact we can't live in the same place forever" he mother said making a right turn finally entering the bright lights of the Seoul city. "Yeah why can't you just be like me!" Yuna said sitting mighty "No thanks i'd rather have a brain, unlike you" the older sister dissed as Yuna was offended.

"Don't be all mean to me just because you miss your little friend Heejin, or should I say the love of your life" Yuna said as Ryujin quickly shut the girl up by throwing a pillow at her head causing mayhem to start in the back seat while the two girls mother sighed as she finally arrived at their new home.

 "Girls were here".


After a couple of hours of unpacking the family had finally finished unpacking and were now living in their brand new apartment. Since it was their first night together all three women had sat around in the small kitchen eating their first meal together in their new place. 

"So do you girls like it?" their mother asked slurping her noodles as the two girls looked around the small apartment "Its alright" Ryujin and Yuna admitted as they couldn't deny that the place did look impressive. 

" Well I hope you girls have a better reaction for your new school" their mother continued as the two girls looked at each other confused "You girls do realize you still have to go to school tomorrow right?" their mother said. "It's called J.Y.P high or something like that, im sure you girls will definitely make some new friends there".

New friends?... New friends?... New friends?... 

These were the words that replayed over and over again in Ryujin's head as she quickly excused herself form the table heading to her room and slamming the door shut. "Whats her problem?" asked her mother as Yuna just shrugged "Puberty again I guess".

Ryujin wasn't going through puberty again but more or less her first feeling of homesickness. She had never thought she would need to make new friends a day in her life but without her best friends by her side she was on her own once again. She wouldn't know what to do without Heejin and Hyunjin by her side for a second and now she had to move on. 

As the girl continued to sulk in her room she was scared by the vibrating sound of her phone going off as she quickly picked it up smiling at who it was.

Bunny❤: Hey are you home yet? 

Ryujinnie: Yeah 

Bunny❤: So how's the new place? are you good?

Ryujinnie: The place is ok but i'm kinda not feeling going to school tomorrow  

Bunny❤: Hey that's not bad though but make sure you won't forget me and aeong once you make new friends at school 

Ryujinnie: How could I forget about you guys? you're my best friends 

Ryujin couldn't help the tears that fell down her face at that point as she couldn't hold back how much she missed her friends.  

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