A Kiss?

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Weeks had passed since the first date and things between Ryujin and Chaeryeong have been more tense than ever. Even though both girls were taken and in their own separate relationships the tension they felt when they were around each other was strong and Ryujin was finding it hard to hide.

Every time the two had a session together Ryujin couldn't help but try and hide the urge to just kiss Chaeryeong right then and there but she knew that he girl was taken and that was the only obstacle in her way. And as Ryujin was slowly getting better at math her tutor session's were soon going to be over. 


Ryujin was sitting alone in her room scrolling trough her phone like she usually does every night and was quickly shocked by a notification on her phone form Hyunjin who was quickly spam texting her. 

Aeong😼: Ryyyyuujinnnn

Aeong😼: Guess what

Ryujinnie: What happened?

Aeong😼: I finally talked to that girl and well

Aeong😼: I finally talked to that girl and well

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SENT BY Aeong😼 AT 5:23 P.M

Ryujinnie: So it looks like my advice worked 

Aeong😼: maybe. 

Ryujinnie: No need to thank me 

Aeong😼: whatever anyways whats up?

Ryujin was about to reply to the text when all of the sudden she had gotten another text but from Shuhua.

Shua✨: Hey Ryujin you free right now?

Ryujinnie: Yeah why

Shua✨: We need to talk


Ryujin and Shuhua were sitting in the park watching the sunset as Ryujin still hadn't gotten a reason as to why she was with the girl.

"So, why are we here?" Ryujin asked her girlfriend as she had taken in a sharp breath before speaking out the truth.

"I wanna breakup"

Ryujin was a bit shocked by the words that had just came out of the girls mouth, but was also a bit revealed at the same time. "Seriously?" Ryujin asked the girl beside her who just nodded and stared out into the sunset. 

"I-i'm sorry this is so sudden but I didn't know how else to tell you" Ryujin just nodded "Are you ok?" Shuhua had asked as Ryujin still stayed silent. This was still a big shock to her. 

"Yeah, i'm fine but what's the reason?" Ryujin asked as Shuhua looked away dramatically making Ryujin slyly roll her eyes "I-i like somebody else" the girl admitted as Ryujin realized she could relate "Ok, that's all I wanted to know" Ryujin said almost smiling on the inside.

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