A Tutor?

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It had been a week since the Shin sisters first arrival to the school and they had quickly become a hot topic. With all the students talking about their beauty, swooning over then any second they got and giving the girls gifts every time they were in presence, the two sisters could get used to this. But with all the gifts, presents and attention, things had still felt a bit empty for Ryujin. 

The blue haired girl wasn't having much trouble with her subjects but when she was called into her math classroom after school to talk with Mr. Min it looked like things were the exact opposite.

"I think you may need a tutor miss Ryujin" Mr. Min bid the bad news as Ryujin was shocked by his words. "Your last test came in and well.." the teacher handed out the paper to Ryujin who couldn't even look at the numbers on the paper. "I think a tutor would be the best thing for you right now and since you're new I wouldn't want to see you struggle in my class" Ryujin had nodded and ripped up the test paper in her hand. 

"Good. We should start your classes next week Monday after school if that's ok?" the teacher continued as Ryujin just nodded "But it will be one of my student's with you if that's ok?" Ryujin didn't say a word as the teacher led her out of the classroom walking her outside to be faced with her sister waiting for her. "Before I go may I ask who the student is?" Ryujin asked as she stood next to her sister.

 "Oh, It's Lee Chaeryeong your seat partner".

 The name had played over in Ryujin's mind as she remembered the girl who would just read her book everyday. Ryujin knew the girl was smart but she didn't know if she would be ready to be just alone with her judging by how they first met. 


"A tutor?" asked Chuu at the lunch table eating her strawberries as Ryujin nodded "Im kinda failing math" the girl admitted as the table laughed. "So who's your tutor? are they cute?" Chuu asked anticipated as Yves slapped her arm making the girl flinch. "Calm your hormones" Yves commented making Chuu stick her tongue out.

"I-It's Lee Chaeryeong" Ryujin surprising stuttered out, "Oh yeah that girl in my gym class, she's super cute" Chuu commented making Yves slap her arms once more. But Chuu wasn't going to hold back as the two girls began to have a slap fight that have would be separated by Yeji and Lia. 

"Anyways. When does your session start?" Yeji asked while Lia tried to pull the two other girls fighting away from each other, "After school" Ryujin replied as Chuu wooed at the girl before the bell had rang. "Well have a nice time on your date" Chuu bid her farewell as Ryujin just scoffed at the girl with her gay antics. 

As much as Ryujin knew she needed the help with her school work she couldn't help but be scared for what awaited her when she would meet up with Chaeryeong.


Ryujin had found herself outside the library where she was supposed to meet the so said girl. Her palms dripping with so much sweat it could fill a small bucket. This was the first tutoring session the girl had ever had and she was petrified to mess up anything.

She opened the door to library admiring how big the room was, making her around until she had spotted the tutor reading her practical book. She made her way to the table, quietly taking a seat beside the girl who still hadn't looked away from her book to notice the girl beside her. 

"W-what book is that?" Ryujin asked the girl who jumped back surprised by the girl beside her "I-it's The Cat On The Wall by Deborah Ellis" the girl responded still trying to calm down her heartbeat as she put her book away and took out her math book along with some notes.

"So Mr. Min told me you're failing math. It's funny because weren't you the same person who told me to pay attention and think about MY education?" Chaeryeong laughed out as Ryujin sulked in her chair "are you gonna help me or lecture me?" Ryujin asked the girl who just laughed "Both" Chaeryeong replied smiling as all Ryujin could do was roll her eyes.

The Tutor { Chaeryujin } - itzyWhere stories live. Discover now