Drawing blood out of his heart

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Molly waited until she heard the all too familiar sound of Sherlocks footsteps running down the corridor before she inserted the drug into the back of Johns head where sherlock wasn't going to see the recent puncture wound. John immediately became stiff and his chest stopped moving.
Molly double checked to make sure John defiantly was dead just before Sherlock threw open the door. He was still in his Pj's but his belstaff coat covered most of his attire up. One thing it couldnt cover though was Sherlock face. His eyes were still puffy and red, his hair slapped back onto his face and the look of utter disbelief shone on his face as if he had just discovered santa wasn't real.
Molly began to speak when Sherlock bounded over to John nearly sending Molly flying into the Lab bench and began to sob over John's body.
Molly watched as the man who had always been so cold sobbed over the body of his best friend. She watched as Sherlock actually begged the motionless John to awaken, begged him to move so he had his blogger , begged him for one more miracle.

Molly wiped away the tears that were now streaming down her own face. If only she could tell Sherlock, but to tell him would kill him, and John sacrificed normality so that wouldn't happen.

1 minute left

Molly knew she had to break Sherlock away from John otherwise he really would be dead, but she couldn't find it in her to do it. She could feel it breaking , this is the hardest thing she has ever had to do , but maybe if there was a loophole...

Just then a ping from her phone announced that she had just received a text , she quickly opened it:

Molly , hurry up and get my brother out of there , otherwise you'll find your self in court for high treason tomorrow....ill send him back to yours , i know you ....... care for him. MH

Molly shuddered , how did he..
No , time was running out , no time to wonder. She took a deep breath , time to get this over and done with then.

"Sherlock you've got to go"

Sherlock turned round, a look of disbelef on his face.
"No ..molly"

"Sherlock please..."
Molly began to panic , she had 30 seconds left.

"Sherlock ... your brother said"

"I dont care what my brother said! I thought you of all people would understand!!"

"Sherlock please"

Tears were now streaming from both their faces.

"Please Sherlock"

Sherlock glared at Molly and flew out the room , as soon as the doors slammed shut she pulled the defilibrator off the wall and rammed it on to Johns chest.
One shock....


Two shocks


Molly began to panic , no , no no...

Three shocks

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