CHAPTER-3 (The Trip)

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(Lisa's pov)

Hmmm..lets see, mycoplasma is the smallest cell whereas an ostrich's egg is the largest cell. Cells are needed for.....rose suddenly burst into the room, making me jump out of shock and drop the pen on the floor

"YAH! I am already mad at you rose, don't make me any more angry." I glared at her angrily, picked up my pen and started writing again.

"Oh god, leave this boring shit for a minute and listen to me u brat." Rose said, pulling my hand to stop me from writing.

"Not until you tell me where u were for the whole night yesterday..u ran away without answering before too. I want an answer, Idc." I crossed my arms over my chest, determined to know the answer.

(Rose's pov)

She asked the same question again for the thousandth time. How am i supposed to tell her the truth? I cannot tell her where i was...i cannot expose the reality of her being. She has to figure it out herself or she will become weaker day by day.
If werewolves, who are not aware of their wolves are told the truth of their existance by someone else rather than figuring it out themselves, they become weak and are easily defeatable..lisa's case is worse as she dosen't even have a mate yet.

" PARK CHAEYOUNG!!" she shouted making me flinch. " if u don't answer in the next five seconds, i swear i am gonna pick up your non existant ass and throw you out from the window."

Yup she is definately angry.

Come on rose think something...uhh god..what should i say..

"Rose i swear-"

"I was at a strip club." what the fuck did i just say!!

Lisa looked at me with shock ridden eyes. Believe me, i myself had the same expression.

We stared at each other in silence." mean are not a virgin anymore?" she asked me, disgust written all over her face.

Yes, i am not a virgin..but i did not loose my virginity to a stripper..i lost it to my 'Mate'.

"Whats the proud in being a virgin anyway." i scoffed feeling utterly stupid.

"Well i-" lisa began but i cut her off. I cannot lie anymore, i have lied enough to last an eternity. I honestly don't know what i am going to tell him.

"Shutup, i gave you my answer and now u listen to me as promised." i said.

Lisa shut her opened mouth and sat up straight to listen to me.

"Well its a good news for our bored asses.  U know that we have holidays approaching right? "

Lisa hummed in response. Listening carefully.

"Well we all decided to suprise you, because you have been a little down lately."

(Lisa's pov)

Yeah she guessed right. I have been down lately..thats because my feelings for mingyu have been going down rapidly. I get irritated easily with him and mostly leave his texts on seen.


I also feel that our relationship is turning toxic slowly. He gets easily mad if i talk to a guy, he dosen't let me wear clothes of my choice, tells me to stop spending time with my friends and spend more time with him.
I mean seriously!! Who is he, my father? Even my father never ordered me around. I am seriously fed up with him...should we end this?

I was lost in my thoughts when rose clapped her hands in front of me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yah, i know that u like to daydream alot but can you listen to me once without getting distracted?" she stated with a bored face.

I rolled my eyes but started paying attention to her talk again

"So well as i was saying, we decided to suprise you and planned a camping trip to the dark hedges forest." rose said bouncing in her seat a little.

"Really!! The dark hedges!? I always wanted to go there." i clapped my hands in excitement.

I don't know why but that forest always attracted me to itself. It was as if it was calling out for me, asking me to come to it. I know, thats really stupid but i feel what i feel, i am not a fool who dosen't recognises her feelings.

Rose laughed seeing me so excited.
"We know that u had a desire to go there, thats why we have planned this trip. We will leave by train the next week and then catch a bus which will drive us towards our hotel which is inside the forest and-OH MY GOD!!"
She shouted as i jumped on her and we both landed on the bed.

"Thank you sooooooo much. I have forgiven you about yesterday. Who cares if u went to the strip club, i mean u have a right to enjoy to right? Aaaahh!! I love you so much my chimpunk! I am so excited, can't wait for this trip." i attacked her again and we both lay laughing on my bed, enjoying ourselves immensely.

(Jisoo's pov)

We both came out from the lecture hall utterly exhausted.

"Ufff ..finally this long lecture is over. Now i can go and sleep on my cosy bed." jennie sighed in relief making jisoo laugh.

"You are just like your 'mate' right? Thinking about bed all the time..haha"

Jennie glared at her but then smirked
"Yeah i do always think about getting in the bed with him."

"Eww, wtf? My holy ears!" i shrieked jokingly.

Jennie scoffed
"Ha, its not like yoy haven't done it with your 'mate' ."

I poked my tongue out at her

"Well speaking of mates.." jennie began" has rose told lisa yet?"

I sighed" Yes she has, she just texted me saying that she agreed and is extremely excited."

"Well how can she not be? It was her dream to go there and anyways i feel that she also belongs to that forest just like we do.she always calls out to it whenever she is asleep without even knowing about it." jennie said.

"Yeah, and its really nice that our mates called us in time and asked us to come and help their ' maknae' find his mate." i replied

"Oh well unnie? I have heard that their maknae is the alpha king..!" jennie exclaimed.

I nodded "Yes he is. He is very poweful and his high is also approaching as he has turned 24 and for males it starts then."

"Lets hope that lisa and their maknae both find their 'mates' soon. I don't want any of them to suffer in pain..although he can control his pain better than her as he is already aware of himself."

I nodded in agreement. I wish you all the best lisa..the time has come for you to identify the wolf within.

(Author's pov)

Here is the 3rd chapter. Hope you guys like it. Pls vote and comment if you do. Also i am going to give a little explaination about the story in the next part for those who are a bit confused..
Okay then Au revoir❤😁😘👍

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