CHAPTER-22 (Love of life)

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(Lisa's pov)

"The moon looks so good from here right?"

"Yeah, it does."

I turned towards jungkook and smiled.

"You are not even looking."

He turned towards the window and gave it a cursory look.

"Nah, can't compare."

I pressed my lips together to hold in the smile starting to form on them.

"Flattery will get you nowhere jeon jungkook."

He chuckled and lightly traced his fingers up my cheek. Making my whole body shiver.

"We will see about that."


Am i dreaming?

Yes, i am definately dreaming.

"These all are like literally my favourite dishes on the menu card."
I said, after scanning the whole menu twice.

"Yeah i had some help from your unnies about your favourite food items." Jungkook replied nonchantly, like it was no big deal.

He even contacted my unnies about this?

Fine, i take it back, flattery will get him everywhere.

"Okieee, then let me order. Tell me whether you like the dish or not okay?"

He chuckled seeing my excitement and nodded.


I ordered almost every dish on the menu card. Wanting him to taste every one of my tongue sweetners.
He shared my liking in quite a lot of food.

While eating we talked about a lot of things.

He even told me all about his company's upcoming deals and projects. Thats when i knew that this man trusts me completely and i became sure that i can do anything and everything for him.



"Can i ask you something?"

He stopped eating and faced me, putting his chopsticks down after hearing the seriousness in my voice.


I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"I saw some files on your desk about a wolf pack called ancients. Is it my pack?"

He took my hands in his and carassed my skin with his thumb.

"Doll, let me do some more research and then i will tell it to you all. "

"Is it so hard to know about them?"

He smiled and placed a small kiss on my hands.

"Don't overwork your pretty little brain about it darling." he said, lightly smirking afterwards.

I snatched my hand out of his, suddenly defensive.

"Whose brain are you calling little? I am a doctor you coconut headass."

His smile immediately dissapeared.

"You did not just call me that."

I smirked.

"I did. Whach u gonna do bout it~"

He stood up from his seat and started approaching me.

"Wanna find out?"

His husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

God, why do i always put my foot in my mouth?

"No." i squeked and got my ass out of my chair like my pants were on fire.

It did not take him long to catch up though.

He slid his hand around my stomach. My front pressed against his back.

"You look cute when you waddle."

I elbowed him, kind of..

"Take that back. I do not waddle."

His face came near my neck and he took a long sniff, making my body react to him instantly.

"Why do you always smell so good?"

He said in a deep, slow voice.

Before i could answer him, he placed a wet open-mouthed kiss on my neck.
Slowly, he approached my ear and then bit my ear lobe. A small moan escaped my mouth.

His hand carassed my stomach, deliberately avoiding to go up.

He bit my senstive spot and i jolted up.
He held my body down with his own and placed a small hickey on me.

I moaned and turned around in his arms.

"Call the driver."


My hands were sweating.

Why had i suggested this again?

We were now heading to his room, hand in hand together.

We entered and i sat on his bed while he kneeled in front of me.

"You know that nothing has to happen right? We can just put on a good movie and-"

His words swelled my heart with sweetenes.

"Drink some banana milk."


I rolled on his bed, laughing hysterically.

He looked at me cluelessly.

"Huh, what just happened?"

I calmed myself down and faced him again. He is cute.

"Banana milk? Jungkook what are you..five?"

He pouted and stood up.

"Here i am trying to be a good boyfriend and you are just laughing at me."

His sentence made me crack up again.

He took off his rolex watch and started unbuttoning his shirt one by one.

Did i say cute? Try hot.

He took off his shirt completely and took out a bottle of banana milk from his fridge.

A few droplets of milk dropped down and slid from his chin to his chest and continued to roll down his abs which i wanted to lick so bad right now.

I crossed my legs unconciously. I saw him smirk from his side. He knew what he was doing to me.

He faced me and smiled innocently.

"You look extremely hungry for someone who does not like banana milk."

"I never said that i did not like it."

He approached me and stood in front of me.

"Wanna taste."

I nodded and pulled him closer by his belt.

I made my way up from his stomach, collecting every droplet on my tongue. Hearing him groan from time to time.

I reached his chin and looked at him.

"More?" he asked

I nodded. 

He took a mouthful of milk and grabbed my hair to connect my mouth with his.

He made me drink from him.

Who knew banana milk could be this tasty?

(Author's pov)

I am dead ya'll.
Lisa makes me gay for her.😆😘

Btw, do you guys want a double update...??😏

Pls vote and comment~🌸🌸

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