Can't Be

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he goes up to you but you put your hand up for a fist pump

"My hands are um...full..."

he gives you a fist pump and all of you go inside

"Please, make yourself and home. Li Fang, can you get some water."

"yes mom."

you put down your stuff and go into the kitchen and come back with water and a plate of fruit

"oh, thank you."

"of course"

you sit down next to Hanyu

"So, Li Fang? What have you been up to these days? last time i saw you, you wanted to write on walls."

you awkwardly giggle

"Yeah, Xiao Xiao. You've grown so much from last time i saw you."

"Yeah...well started high school...and i joined art club recently."

"She goes to art club with Xinlong."

"Wow. Do you guys hang out together still?"

"Yeah. Well, Xinlong, Zihao, and I still do."

"What about you Xiao Xiao."

When she called you by your nickname, you you let a sharp breath out, trying not to let your temper loose

"Well, I still spend time with Mingrui."

"of course. you two have been inseparable since you were little."

"Yeah...and I hang out with Shuyang and his sister...and Zeyu...but enough about us. H-How have you two been doing?"


"Um...but how did you two meet...and you know...get hitched?"

you let out the smallest laugh

"Jia Hanyu."

"Sorry mom."

"Well, we met each other in college and after that...everything just took off."

"What college did you go to? my brother never really told me."

"Lin Li Fang."

"No mom, it's fine. Well, I went to school in Busan."

"oh...and so you just lived there afterwards?"


"Honey, why don't you and Hanyu go hang out in your room for a little while we talk."


you grab your canvas and take Hanyu to your room

"Make yourself comfortable. Who knows how long that's gonna take."


he sits on your bed and you put the canvas on the easel with the light from the window hitting it

"I like your brother."

"That makes one of us."

"What's up with you and him anyway."

"He left. that's what happened."

"Well, they all leave at one point, right?"

"When he left it was-...just different."

The Losers (Boystory Gou Mingrui FF)Where stories live. Discover now