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"I don't think you're the right fit"

"Is there a rule book I forgot to read?!"

"You don't like listening, you give attitude, you don't act the part, and you just play around"

"It's called having fun! It's only been a week for practice! I accept you as a sister, I respect you and call you JieJie, I let you stay at my home without complain, I get along with your brother..."

"hey, Honey-"

your brother walked through the door


you pleaded desperately


you can tell he knew because he wasn't even surprised

" know?"

"Xiao Xiao..."

"My own brother doesn't want me to be at his wedding..."

"We want you to be there Xiao Xiao, It's just that-"

"I'm not good enough to be in it..."

"That's not-"

"Really? because it sounded like it when it came out of your wife's mouth...just like I wasn't good enough for you to take your shit out of that fucking taxi and come back home"

"You're seriously still hung up on that?"

"YES! Yes, GeGe! You know we didn't have a dad, and you knew Mom was on business trip every other week...and you still left..."

"Lin Li Fang!"

"Stay out of this!"

you look back at your brother

"Like I wanted to be in the damn wedding anyway..."

you pushed your brother out of the way and stormed out of the room

"Hey Li Fang-"

"You don't have to waste your time giving me lessons anymore..."

you walk out and both of the boys follow


he runs in front of you

"What happened?"

"I'm not in the wedding anymore. I'm not a bridesmaid. I'll just be another guest in the crowd."

"Wait, why?!"

you shrug. You acted like you didn't care, but it hurt that you wouldn't be a part of your brother's most important day of is life

"Let me talk to my sister. I-"

"No...It's fine..."

You force out a fake chuckle

"Like I wanted to be in the stupid wedding anyway...Well, we'll be leaving now. Shuyang must be waiting for us..."

"You're okay with this?!"

"Do I have a choice?...bye Jia Bao Ge...see you tomorrow"

you hold Mingrui's hand and walk away

Mingrui didn't really know what to say. Or how to comfort you


"I'm fine..."

"You positive?"

you nod

"So stop asking now"

The Losers (Boystory Gou Mingrui FF)Where stories live. Discover now