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"tell everyone you posted it."


"Both of them didn't do anything wrong! Li Fang has enough problems as is...and they just started high school! why did you do it? because you liked her and she rejected you? huh?"

"yes! okay?! I like her!"

"And what did posting that picture do? Humiliate these kids by posting their first kiss for the whole school to see? You're pathetic..."

"What's done is done."

you were around the corner of the building, listening in


"Li Fang...we got to get to know how Mr.Han is."


you walk with Shuyang to class

"Hi, can i get a kiss too~?"

"ignore them..."

you two sit. you looked out the door and saw Zihao.

"Hey, can I borrow your notes. I-"

you stand up and go outside


"oh hey. you want a kiss?"

you grab him by the shirt and he puckers his lips

"you son of a bitch."

you punch him right across the face

"you know how fucked up you made mine and my friends lives? huh?!"

you throw him against the locker. he wipes his lip

"why'd you do it?"

"because why not."

you grab his shirt again

"Better tell me before teachers start coming out."

"because i like you! alright! even with your glasses and messed up hair!...and when I saw you kissing Mingrui...i got mad alright!"

you let go of him

"just take it down...people probably have a copy already...but take it down...please..."

you brush yourself off and walk back to class

"You alright?"

"mhm...i just wanna go home..."

-skip to after school-

you were at your locker getting your stuff


Mingrui puts his hand on your arm

"are you okay?"

you nod your head

"Are you going to art club?"

you shake your head

"Let's walk home together..."

"you sure?"

"yeah...I need to talk to you..."


"Come on...let's go..."

that might have been the most sane, calmest conversation you two ever had

The Losers (Boystory Gou Mingrui FF)Where stories live. Discover now