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(hope you enjoy🥰)

Diamond Blake


My eyes snapped open as a flight attendant shook me awake. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and yawned, trying to figure out what she was pointing at.

"Diamond!" Tyler shouted at me.

Tyler was my boyfriend. Well, not that I wanted him to be anyways. He was more like a person I say 'I love you' to, often. He never says it back though. Believe it or not, him shouting at me was a normal thing ever since I met him in my freshman year of high school. He was so sweet and quiet back then, but now...

He rushed over, bags in hand, and yanked me by my arm to try and get me up. I yelped in pain, but no one tried to stop him. That was the usual response, and if they did try to help, I always ended up back in his arms.

"Wait-! Let me..."

Pearl interrupted me, abruptly. Seeming annoyed by his actions, but her being annoyed was a typical thing for her.

"I got all your shit while you were sleeping. Let's just go, Diggy"

She usually called me Diggy. She was referring to her favorite way of passing the time, 'Diggy, Diggy, Diamond'.

I walked alongside Tyler, trying not to make eye contact but it was becoming incredibly hard to do so with him trying to force himself on me and pretend we're in love. Keyword, pretend.

Everyone says I'm lucky to have a man who cares enough about me to put me in my place. I tell them to go fuck themselves. His love was a nightmare for me. Every single time we break up, it's always been a cycle. Argument, Break up, one of us begs on our knees for the other, get back together, and continue the emotional abuse until cycle begins again.

Once we made it outside the airport, because we didn't exactly have time to pack everything we wanted, we instantly fell in love with our new home.

"New possibilities, new chances, new....life" Pearl said, hugging me.

For once, I actually thought I saw Tyler smile at me. I never see that, unless he's angry with me, then it's just him trying to hold back his anger and not hurt me. His smile faded and mine did as well when we heard yelling coming from somewhere.

"Someone's in pain!" I shouted.

"Diamond. It's none of our business. Let's just g-"


That voice. It sounded so violent. So riddled with hatred that it made me flinch a little. I looked behind me to see a man being brutally assaulted by another, wearing a mask.


My gaze sharpened as a scowled at the man in the mask. I hated the thought of walking away, but I couldn't do anything. Tyler would kill me and Pearl would be so worried. I don't want to do that to her. So, we all turned and walked away as others rushed over to help.

"𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘"//𝖃𝖃𝖃Where stories live. Discover now