BUTTERFLY (superstition)

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here in my country, there's so many beliefs and superstition. This fstory is base on what happened on oct 22-25 this year.

Here in the Philippines we do believe in the ghost of our love one can visit you by returning to a butterfly. Not just a butterfly that is small. The butterfly that is big that called Mariposa.

this is the story of my mother.

she's a teacher in a highschool. that day oct. 23, 2014 she has a seminar in out of town.

we really never thought that this is her last day. i called a tricle( a pilipino vehicle) that day i wave my last goodbye to her. she was so happy and excited, she even bought so many clothes and bandanas so her co teacher can borrow one when there cold.

that day. me and my sister hang out with my cousin. then she call on the phone the last call i got from her. she said how are you guys, i said where fine. i ask here hows her trip. she said it was fine. one thing i remembered she said. take care all of you. i just reply. yes, mami you too. then we both hung up.

then the phone ring at 11pm i though it was my mother but it was her co teacher, saying that my mother is having a heart attack she was in the hospital. i was uneasy that time. i waited for the phone to ring again.

then at 1pm i heard the phone ring. then i was not ready to heard what she has to said. she said that my mother is dead. she didn't make it on the hospital.

me and my sister where crush. we don't have anyone. our father is still working at saudi.

that is her story she died at 55 years old. and on oct 22 a mariposa came to our house with her big flapping wings. we knew it was her. so we light up a candle near her photo and pray. i though the butterfly will leave but no. it stay for days and it die at the doorstep of their room.

for us butterfly and mariposa should be always welcome to you home. maybe one of them is your love one that have die. i really don't know if you believe in this superstition or not. but i just want to share this story.

Here in the Philippines we have so many superstition.

And im glad writing about it, so you also know.

Love you angels.

Remember all my stories are now slow update, because I'm so busy eith my life.

But don't worry I will update, when you least expected.

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