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An awkwardly silence fill the room, where the soul and his own body meets. Namjoon and jimin see seokjin body because jimin has a third eye like taehyung.

Seokjin was glad and speechless finally he saw once again his own body, seokjin agree with namjoon avenge for his death. Namjoon just want his killers to be in jail.

Seokjin also want him to have the eternal peace that he deserves.

The plan is simple, Seokjin will get the tapes on namjoon secret room in his laboratory, that full of guards even now. Then jimin will give it to the police.

But seokjin must not left taehyung side, because the wild ghost will tainted him. So they change the plan, taehyung also enter the facilities with seokjin. Seokjin walk thru the wall get the file immediately and run towards taehyung.

Then taehyung and jimin give it to the media. The video show how namjoon got the invention and it also show how the other scientists kill him. Namjoon secretly put an cctv on the lab and on his secret room.

The video became viral and those killers where in jail. And namjoon got the justice he deserves. 

This is the day, when namjoon will go to the light, he say goodby to taehyung, said sorry once again to seokjin for taking his body. And said I love you to jimin.

"I will always love you, till the end jimin" he kiss jimin for the last time. He smile and he leave seokjin body. The three saw how namjoon move to the light. He wave for the last time and then vanish.

"I love namjoon" said jimin.

"Seokjin, get back to your body" said taehyung. And he did.

But seokjin didn't wake up.

It's been 3 days since the rush seokjin into the e.r

They are now on one of the private room. They didn't want the press to find them.

"Seokjin, wake up. Please" said taehyung pleading at seokjin, he hold his hands. Jimin want also seokjin to wake up. Because that's what also namjoon want.

"He will wake, dont you worry" jimin immediately turn around to see namjoon.

"Namjoon" jimin was fascinated to see him back again. He hug him tight.

"Im sorry, do I know you? How did you know my name? But I don't thing I don't think I met you before"

"We did meet, he smile. in our dreams"
The two left taehyung alone.

"What the fuck, hyung just left me because he found a new boyfriend"

"Don't be jealous, tae your not alone. Im here" taehyung look at seokjin that is sitting on the bed.

"Seokjin" he shout as he hug seokjin tight.

"My god taehyung, your chocking me." Taehyung kiss seokjin in whole face.

"I love you, I love you. I love you"

"I love you too"


Sorry for my bad ending...

Love you all.

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