She Keeps Me Warm

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IT'S STILL HARD to believe Lisa and I only found our way back to one another fifteen days ago

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IT'S STILL HARD to believe Lisa and I only found our way back to one another fifteen days ago. I've spent fifteen days learning everything about her all over again and fifteen days discovering every inch of her body. We've talked, we've laughed, we've fucked on every available surface in both of our houses and we've only stopped long enough to order take-out before going at it again. 

I've set up countless sheets of hemp paper in my backyard and sat in a chair by the house, quietly watching her work whenever inspiration hit her. It's amazing to see the passion for her art shining in her eyes with each and every new picture she creates. It's my damn house, so I'm not limited to wallpapering my bedroom with Lily originals this time around.

 I've hung each one of her designs on the walls in my home, much to her embarrassment. I want her to be proud of her talent and I want her to see how much pride I have in her every time she walks through my door.

I know that rediscovering her ability has lit a fire inside of her to go to art school like she always wanted to. As much as I want to tell her to quit her job and do what she wants, I know I can't do that. This is her dream and I want her to find her own strength to make it a reality.

"Oh, my God, I'm so full I think you're going to have to roll me into the house," Lisa jokes as I pull my truck into my driveway.

I wanted nothing more than to keep her naked and tucked away in my bed forever, but I thought it was time I took her out for a real meal. I surprised her by taking her to the Italian restaurant where we had our first date. It was kind of nice not having to bum a ride from an older friend this time since neither one of us had our driver's licenses back then.

I make my way around the front of the truck and open her door, holding her hand as she steps down from the cab. My dick has been hard since I picked her up at her house earlier and she opened the door wearing a red, wrap-around dress that hugged her curves.

Her matching red heels click against the pavement as she jumps down and the vee in the front of her dress gapes open, showing off even more of the creamy skin that I've been staring at all night across the candlelit table.

I move our clasped hands behind her back and rest them right above her ass as I trail the fingers of my free hand down her collarbone and over the exposed skin of her breasts.

"I need to be inside you," I tell her softly, staring into her eyes as I move my hand lower until I'm cupping one breast in my palm.

I run my thumb back and forth over her nipple through the material of her dress, lightly pinching it after it pebbles

"How fast can you unlock that door and take your clothes off?" she whispers as I kiss my way across her cheek until my lips are right by her ear.

"About as fast as I can make you come. What's the record now, thirty-five seconds?" I tease.

She laughs, swatting my hand away from her breast. "Let's see if you have it in you to make it twenty."

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