⤷Coffee And Shenanigans

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As usual, Ruwei Sun was pensively waiting for this boring day to pass by, eyes looking boringly at the ticking clock while tapping on the counters repeatedly yet gently, seemingly frustrated with the wait. "Free you bITCH-" He heard a few ruckus coming from his colleague-- Silas Karlisle, most likely, cussing as he aggressively shoved cubes of ice down the blender. "STOP TAKING NAPS IN YOUR SHIFT GODDAMNIT-" Yikes, another complain.

He wondered why does he have to deal with all those bullshit-- Thank god he's not getting wrinkles, else he will really be like a grandma, as Xander described. Then again, he is Ruwei Sun after all-- the only fucking one that's sane.

"Ruwei. " A chill ran down his spines as he gradually turned his head around, realising it was Free-- an angered yet tired Free. Shit, was it because of the stranger? Yikes. He could feel it alright, the tension.

Although Silas seems to be bothered so he just turned the blender on, the exasperating yet loud buzzing sound of ice getting crushed seems to just kill the tension a bit, although that bastard just left-- leaving an awkward tension with Free and Ruwei. Silas, what the fuck.

"Not my business. " He waited, and waited until the drink was blended well before pouring them to a coffee cup, shrugging and leaving the two to solve the awkward encounters that may or may not happened yesterday.


"Listen here grandma. Why the fuck did you hand that GUY MY NUMBER??? Do you hate me that much?????" Free gave him a cold stare as he picked up a cup of iced water and began to chug his down his throat, seemingly trying to keep his cool. Although, the grip on the plastic cup which caused an indent clearly state that he is pissed.

" Deal with it, De La Hoya. Don't forget I have blackmail of what you did during all of our working hours. Don't make me remind you of what you done when we are all working. " Ruwei of course didn't give a fuck at all, simply giving Free a smirk before heading towards the barista counter, smugly as well.

" Life isn't fair, hun. " Like he always said, with a cheeky grin-- he was the precision master, after all. It was only natural he had already plan something up beforehand. Still, Poor Free.

"Screw you, Granny. " Free De La Hoya can only muster that reply as he gripped the apron in front of him hastily, attaching the straps while giving Ruwei the stink eye.

"Don't be like that, I'll treat you to lunch. Besides, he can't be a bad guy right? The block button exists. " Ruwei  chuckled softly, placing a couple of menus on the table, arranging packets of creamer and sugar. It was a coffee shop, after all.

"I'll let you off the hook for this time, only because of free food." Free sighed, going back to his usual tired and sleepy self. He's been procrastinating too much recently, and most of the credits go to Ruwei and his colleague Joshua Burns.

Maybe out of everyone, the real sane one is Silas Karlisle. But then again, he had a reputation of scaring people off with his Gordan Ramsay like attitude.


The rising orb of yellow seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, dying the sky in a beautiful yellow red colour, accompanied by soft purple clouds and a few glittering stars.

It's 7am-- time for work.


Everyone seemed to be more worn out more than usual-- Goddamnit, when is pay week arriving? Its only been 2 days!

After a while, customers of course flooded the cafe-- with most of them hurrying to get a cup of freshly brewed coffee or desperately waiting to grab a bite of that sweet strawberry cake coated with delicious whipped cream. Or maybe, some toasted bagel or a creamy yet cheesy bowl of Mac and Cheese. You know, the usual?

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