Meeting them (Chapter 2)

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I woke up by someone shaking me, I rubbed my eye and saw Ink.
"What's going on..?"
"We have to go a little early."
"What do you mean?"
"One of them saw us here, We have to leave immediately."
I got up and Sunny was already awake, She was sitting on Ink's shoulder.

Dream held my arm and opened a portal and we all jumped in it.
We were again in a snowy place.
After the other two had jumped in Dream closed the portal.

"Is everyone here?"
"We need to find a hiding spot."
"Definitely not behind a Tree, behind a Bush or behind a Building/House  because that's a common hiding spot and everyone knows it."
"So where do we hide then?"
"How do they know where you guys are? Is there an aura you guys have that attracts them?"
"Mostly our Positive Auras, Especially Dream's because his Aura is strong."
"Hm, Maybe you guys can try not to be too positive?"
"That may be impossible for Dream because he's the Guardian of Positivity."
"Remember I said Try, And if we can do it then maybe we can hide longer from them in just one AU or something."
"No (Y/N), Again, If we stay too long in one AU they'll be able to track us."
"Oh, How long will it take for them to be able to track us if we stay in one AU?"
"A few days or less."
"Who saw you guys earlier?"
"If we see Killer we have to leave immediately because Nightmare is known to always be somewhere near Killer. People and or Monsters sometimes call Nightmare Killer's shadow because wherever Killer is he's always nearby especially when they have a target to get."
(Get it?- Target? Because Killer has a Target soul? No?- Okay- ;w;)
"Ink now is not the time to make Puns!"
"Sorry blue."
"It's alright, Just don't do it again."
"Anyways, Let's go hide (Y/N) somewhere before they see us again."
"Won't it be obvious though?"
"What will be obvious?"
"Dust knew you that you guys saw him as he saw you guys too, He knows you'll be leaving. He may or may not know where we are now, But as you described Nightmare I think he's just somewhere around the darkness."
"Clever girl."

We quickly turned to the direction of the voice, Ink pushed me in front of Blue and Dream as he got in front of us putting his arm in front of us as Dream and Blue held my arms.

"You should've known that we'll be following you."
"Dream, Blue, Get (Y/N) out of here."
"But Ink we can't leave you alone!"
"Go take her to a safe place! Her safety matters more than mine! GO!"

He held his paintbrush and ran to Nightmare, Dream opened a portal and Blue ran in, Dream held my hand and ran in but before he could pull me inside I pulled my hand from his grip as the portal closed once they were both inside.

I looked back at Ink and saw him struggling to fight them all at once.
Killer had teleported behind him without him knowing, Killer swung his knife up and I quickly ran behind Ink and blocked his arm from hitting Ink with the knife.

Even if Killer had no Pupils or Iris I could tell he was shocked then I heard the fighting behind me stopped.
I looked at all of them and they were frozen with shocked and surprised looks.

"Well excuse you Dust, I'm not a Little Girl."
"How do you know our names."
Then Dust smacked the back of Horror's head.
"Idiot! Of course Ink and his stupid gang told her!"
"I gotta say though, She's quite fast."
"That's what makes her so interesting."(Y/N), I thought I told you to go with Blue and Dream."
"What do you expect from me Ink!? You think I'll just go and leave my Friend to die!? You almost got stabbed in the back without even knowing! If I hadn't come in and blocked Killer's Knife You'll probably be dead by now!"
"Go now before I change my mind."
"About what?"
"Before I change my Mind and make you leave."
"Make me."
"ArE wE just GOnnA stAnD hErE AnD tAlk Or COntInuE fIGhtInG?"
"Of course you already know the answer to that Boys. Finish off this Rainbow Bastard and get the girl."

Then Nightmare got shot by a blue arrow, We looked at where it came from and Dream and Blue was there.

"Dream! Blue! Take (Y/N)!"
Killer was still looking at them so I kicked his knee which made him fall down and I kicked his hand making him lose grip on his knife.

Blue had ran over and fought Killer and I grabbed the knife and broke it's blade into half earning another shocked and surprised look on Killer's face, Cross has summoned a knife and gave it to Killer.

I ran to Horror and began to fight him, He had a axe and I had nothing so this may be a dangerous thing.
Ink dealt with Error and Nightmare.
Blue dealt with Killer and Dust.
Dream dealt with Cross

Suddenly blue strings wrapped on my left arm I looked and saw Error wrapping his strings around my left arm as he was fighting with Ink.

I looked back at Horror and he had his axe ready and swung it at me as I quickly dodged it, I had an idea.

I stood still as Horror raised his axe and hit me with it, But instead of me getting hit I moved aside and it cut the Strings instead.

I held his axe down as I kicked him in the ribcage which made him fall back, I grabbed the axe and- BOY THIS THING IS HEAVY AS HELL-
I managed to throw it far away though, I grabbed some of the strings on the floor and tied it on Horror's hands and legs.

The strings were quite strong so this can hold him down for a while.
I ran to Dream and helped him fight Cross, I went behind Cross as Dream went in front of him, I kicked him on the back as Dream had kicked his Giant Knife away.

"Surrender Cross, This doesn't have to end in Violence, We can leave all the bad things behind as we live a new and Good Life."
"No, Nothing will be Alright even if we stop. We'll never Surrender."

He summoned another knife as he quickly got up and charged at Dream at a fast pace, Dream managed to block it with his staff in time though.

I looked back at the others, Ink was struggling to break free from Nightmare's tentacles, Blue was on the ground while Killer was holding him down with his feet on Blue's back.
As I looked back at Dream Horror had his axe on Dream's neck.

They all looked at me along with a smirk on their faces.

"Give up, Your Friends are unable to protect you."
"Come now or I'll crush his bones."
"We'll break his ribs."
"And We'll slice his throat."
"YOu hAVE nO OnE tO prOtECt YOu nOw, COmE wIth us AnD wE'll tAkE GOOD CArE Of YOu."
"The Darkside isn't that bad (Y/N)."

I hesitate for a second.
"D-Don't do it (Y/N)- GAH!!-"
Nightmare tightened his tentacles around Ink to the point we could hear a few bones crack.

I looked at all of them and looked down as I sighed.
"I'll go with you, In return I order you to release them."
"Alright, Let them go boys."

Cross threw Dream on the ground.
Killer stopped stepping on Blue's back.
Nightmare loosened his tentacles and Ink fell to the floor.
The three gasped for air as the Six walked over to me and opened a portal, I looked back at the three.

The four had entered the portal while Nightmare and Error was still next to me.

"We promise we'll find you no matter where you are!"
They all yelled at the same time as I smiled at them before going in the portal as The two followed.

*iNhAlEs AnD cOuGhS-*
Welp, Peace out Dreamers! ^^)

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