Staying (Chapter 3)

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Once we entered we were now in a castle, I looked around.
"So Dream was not kidding from you being the King of Darkness."
"How much did those Three idiots tell you about us."
"Not much, Just the details."
"No wonder why you knew our Names even if you haven't seen us."
"Yeah, They also told me you've been stalking me."
"Yeah no, Again, You were quite Interesting for a human."
"Wish I could say the same to you."
"Oh DAmn YOu just rOAstED thE kInG-"
"Shut up Error."
"Go take her to her room. As for you four go and do whatever the hell you want in your Free time."

Everyone nodded as they teleported away, Nightmare went and sat on his throne as Error took me to my room.

"I DOn't unDErstAnD Or sEE whY bOss fInDs YOu IntErEstInG, I mEAn, YOu'rE A humAn AnD wE sEE humAns EVErYDAY but YOu wErE thE fIrst thAt bOss fOunD AttrACtIVE frOm All thE humAns wE'VE sEEn AnD Or mEt."
"I don't understand either."
"prEttY surE wE'll fInD Out OnE DAY."
"I won't be surprised if it's from my skills of defending and blocking."
"I wOulDn't bE EIthEr."
"Why are you guys nice to me while you all were so intense earlier during the fight with the Star Sanses."
"wE just ACt lIkE thAt whEn wE'rE fIGhtInG, OnE Of bOss's flAw Is AnYOnE sEEInG hIs wEAk Or sOft sIDE, YOu sEEmED QuItE flAwlEss whIlE wE wErE fIGhtInG EArlIEr thOuGh."
"We all have our Flaws, We may seem Flawless but that doesn't mean we don't have Flaws."
"hEh, I lIkE YOu AlrEAdY, AnYwAYs, hErE's YOur rOOm, mY rOOm Is just ArOunD thE COrnEr, If YOu nEED mE just COmE OVEr, k?"
"Alright, Thanks."
"YOu'rE wElCOmE."

He walked off to his room and Once he had entered I opened my door and looked around and- Flippin' Jesus this room is huge.

I closed the door but I didn't notice I didn't close it properly, I walked around and scanned everything.

A big wardrobe.
A queen-sized bed.
A big and long Dark Blue carpet.
A door that leads to a bathroom.
A sitting window just next to the bed.
An empty desk and a big empty shelf.

I sat down on the bed and felt like someone was watching me, I looked at the door and sure enough-

There stood Nightmare holding a few paper bags in his right hand as his left hand was in his pocket.

"What's the paper bags for?"
"I went to your house and took some of your stuff and bought them here."
"You're staying here, It's not that bad when you get used to being around here."
"Why do I have to stay here though?"
"That's something we'll tell you in another day."
"Come onnnnn!"
"Nope, Maybe later at Dinner, For now, I'll leave your stuff here. You can go and take a shower if you want."
"Okay but- What are these buttons over here?"
"Oh, Those are just calling buttons, If you press that one that has Horror's name it will send him the message and come to you."
"So they're like alarm buttons?"
"Kinda, Only use them when you want or need something."

He smiled and walked out of the room, I looked inside the bags and took them all out as I put them in their places.

My clothes in the wardrobe.
My books on the top shelves.
My art materials on the bottom shelves.
My Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothbrush, Toothpaste and Towel in the bathroom.
And other stuff in their places.

I soon finished and decided to take a shower, I grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom and locked the door as I hung my clothes on the back of the door and took off my clothes and hung them on the back of the door as well.

I went in the shower and turned the water on, It wasn't too cold or too hot.
It was in perfect temperature.

~After Le Shower~

I finished and wrapped myself with the towel and dried my hair and after drying up I turned the hair dryer off and went to the door and put on my clothes.

I hung the towel on the towel rack and walked out of the bathroom.
As I closed the door I turned around and saw Error sitting on the bed.

He turned to my direction and had a small blue hue on his cheeks, Dream had told me his Blush is blue.

"What's up? Did you need something?"
"nOpE, nIGhtmArE tOlD mE tO GIVE YOu A tOur ArOunD thE CAstlE 'CAusE YOu mIGht GEt lOst If YOu DOn't knOw whErE thE rOOms AnD thInGs ArE."
"Oh, Alright."
"YOu rEADY?"
"lEt's GO thEn."

He stood up and walked to the door, I followed and he opened the door and stood aside, I got the message and smiled at him as I walked out and he followed and closed the door.


"AnD thAt's AbOut It."
"That was a lot of Rooms."
"YEAh, I knOw."

Then Horror came to us.
"Dinner is Ready, Boss and the others are waiting for you two."

Horror walked off and Error opened a glitchy portal, He motioned me to follow and walked in the portal as I followed behind him.

We were now in the kitchen, The four was already there sitting down.
Error sat down and he motioned me to sit next to him so I did.

Nightmare looked at both of us, Error stared back with a Blank stare.
"DOn't GIVE us thAt lOOk, hE wAlkED Off InstEAD Of tElEpOrtInG hErE AftEr tEllInG us."
"Not surprised."

Soon Horror had returned.
Nightmare looked at me again.
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Do you cook?"
"Do you mind if you cook for us? We don't really know what food you like so you can go and cook any food you'd like."
"Um, Alright."

I stood up from my seat and Horror gave me an apron, I put it on and started baking some Apple pie.

Soon it was done and I was about to take it out of the oven until-
"Woah woah woah, You know how hot that is when it comes out of the oven and you're just gonna take that out of the oven with your bare hands like it's not even hot?"
"Dunno If you know or not, But-"
I took the pie out of the oven and closed it as I looked at the six.
"I'm not like other people who gets burnt or cold that easily."

Nightmare sighed in relief as I placed the pie down and grabbed seven plates from the cabinet and got a knife as I cut the pie in seven slices.

I put one slice on each plates and gave them their plates and I had mine, I sat back down we all started eating.

"This actually tastes better than Horror's cooking."
"I feel offended but I can Agree."
"Yep Agreed!"
"This cooking is amazing!"
"For me they're both as good."
"VErY tAstY, I'm surprIsED YOu'rE usED tO whErE thE InGrEDIEnts ArE EVEn If YOu'rE nEw hErE."
"Thanks for the compliments, And they're all actually in the same places as the cabinets and food ingredients back from my House."


We finished eating and I cleaned the dishes, After washing them I wiped them dry as I put all seven of them back in the cabinet.

"I want All of you to Meet me at my room later at 8 PM."
"surE thInG."

We all went to our rooms and waited for it to be 8 PM, What does he wanna do or talk about?
Eh, We'll find out later.

(Hai- :3 Sorry I has ended it here- Next chapie will be out soon :D
Welp, Peace out Dreamers! ^^)

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