Chapter 3: Yay Another Girl!!!

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I open the door to my new room and all I have to say is..... I HATE IT!!!! It's all pink and girlish, it makes me want to puke, in fact, I think I might, I'll be back!



Okay better, yuck, I should probably go shopping later to re-decorate, but for now I'll just hang up my anime posters. Naruto and Sasuke there, Kakashi there, Sebastian and Ciel here, Claude and Alois there, Yoite and Miharu there, Kyo Sohma here, Rin and Yukio there, and a bunch of others x3 "That should be enough for now!" I think aloud. I think I should take a shower, I'm starting to smell like a banana covered in dog shit that's been outside in 500+ degrees for years, I have no idea how I came up with that logic or came to smell like it, but who cares!
 I start looking for my towel when I hear a girlish scream, of course.... I'm just getting comfortable when SOMEONE just HAD to come and ruin it. Oh well! Better go see what it is!
 I grab Artemis and run out of the room, probably the work of those damn vampires.... I find the door where I believe it came from. I slam the door opening.

"What's up bitches! I'm here to save the day!" I shout holding Artemis up in the air.

I hear moaning coming from the corner and it looks like Ayato and some blond chick are making out, but I can't see because of Ayato's fat ass. Oh shit, did I interrupt something?

"Oi! Who are you calling a bitch, bitch!?" Ayato yells with blood dripping from his fangs.

"You of course," I state like it's obvious, cause it totally is. I look and see the girl cringing in pain with blood flowing down her neck, that lil' shit trying to drink her blood!

"I'll kill you!" Ayato Screeched loud enough for his voice to echo throughout the room.

"Jesus Ayato, try being a little louder yeah?" I say covering my ears, "and besides, you can't kill me remember? So ha!" I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'll cut of that tongue of yours if you leave it out for one more second, melons," Ayato threatens.

"I'd like to see you try," I taunt swinging around Artemis aimlessly, barely missing Ayato.

"Oi, stop that!" he tries grabbing Artemis but gets shocked instead.

"Ha, ha! That's what you get!" I laugh at him. Oh right, the girl. "So blondie, wanna get away from the pervert?" She nods. "Okay then! Follow me off to Narnia" I grab her hand and walk into a random wardrobe. I do hand signs from Naruto that I learned by heart. "Teleportation Jutsu!" Lol, that's right! You jelly? Different clothes are in the wardrobe when I open my eyes, mine of course. I walk out to see my beautiful anime filled room. Wait a minute, I take a better whiff of the room, seems like I'm sharing the room. "Oh, uhh, by the way, I kinda re-decorated a bit by putting a few of my anime posters here and there, heh, heh," I scratch the back of my head and give her what I like to call, the Naruto grin.

"It's fine," she says quietly.

"You don't talk much do you? What's your name?" I ask.

"Yui," she answers shyly looking at her feet.

Bro, Hinata much? "Oh well that fine! Anyway my name is Yuki!" I give her my hand to shake and grin my wonderful Naruto grin. She cracks a smile and shakes my hand willingly.

"DINNER!" Reiji calls.

"Ooooh food, I love food, not human though so don't worry!" I smile brightly.

"I SAID DINNER, NOW GET YOUR LAZY-ASSES DOWN HERE!" he calls louder with slight annoyance. Jeez, that guy needs to take a chill pill, same with the Subaru guy... I grab Yui's hand and run towards the stairs. I let her hand go cause I don't want either of us to fall. But of course, I just had to fall myself. My foot slips a bit and face-plant onto the floor after falling down a flight of stairs. "I HATE GRAVITY!" I scream. Yui helps me up with slight worry in her eyes. Wow we just met and she already cares for me, well I care for her too, I mean, we're the only girls in this house hold.

"You get what you deserve," Ayato laughs.

I through a knife at him barely missing him, and it runs into the wall, ohhh, that's not gonna come out easily, shit Reiji's going to kill me. I look at him a bit nervous. His hair creates a shadow over his face while he fixes his glasses. Oh kami, help me. DX


So do you like it so far!? I hope you do! I'm thinking of doing a Naruto fanfiction soon, what do you think? I also need help on deciding the ending for this, don't worry it's going to take a while before we get there, but how do you think it should end? Naruto's beautiful grin is in the media.

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