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"Yuki, would you mind explaining why you thought it was okay to throw a knife at the wall?" Reiji asks fixing his glasses.

"I-It wasn't meant to get stuck in the wall..." I nervously reply, "It was meant to hit Ayato.."

"And why would you throw a knife at Ayato?" Reiji asks again.

"He was being annoying," I look down.

"And that makes it okay? What if it hit him and he was a human?" Reiji asks.


"Meet me in my room after dinner," Reiji sighs.

"You're in deep shit now, Melons," Ayato snickers.

I grow an irk mark and kick him where no man wants to be kicked, "SHUT IT!!! THIS IS YOUR FAULT ANYWAYS!!!!!" I puff out my cheeks and sit down in between Zero and Yui.

"Yuki, eat," Zero commands.

I pick up my fork and start eating quietly and quickly. Man this sucks..


"Yuki, you know there's punishment for those acts...." Reiji says pushing up his glasses.

"Oh yeah, and what punishment will I receive?" I ask crossing my arms.

"You will have to pay," he replies.

"With what?" I ask with curiosity lingering in my voice.

"With your blood," Reiji answers simply.

"AWWW HELL NAW!!!!!!!!!!" I yell taking out Artemis.

"Please put down your weapon Yuki-" Reiji pauses, "and submit to me."

What the hell is wrong with this guy? "SUBMIT TO JASHIN-SAMA BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell jumping out the window and landing like a pro. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I run away just to come back into the mansion and run into Reiji.  -.- ....................................

"I believe I have a few things to discuss with you," Reiji says angrily gripping my wrist tightly and dragging me.

"Let her go," a voice commands and removes Reiji's hand.

"If I may ask, who're you and how did you get in here?" Reiji asks looking at the boy in front of me.

I look more closely at him and realize who he is, "MONOKUMA!!!!!!" I glomp him making us both fall over, "I almost didn't recognize you since you're in your human form!"

He laughs, "Guess I had to so I can save you from this creep." Monokuma turns back to Reiji, "Don't ever try to touch her again. EVER. Got it, vampire scum?"

"Sure, whatever," Reiji replies and walks away.

"Thanks Monokuma!" I smile.

He turns back into his teddy bear form (which I'll post a picture of him as his usual self in the next chapter if I hadn't already in the Author's Note before this) and we make our way back to my room. I wonder what the others will think....


HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :3 So I'm still having trouble thinking about the ending for this story. Would you guys mind helping me by posting your opinions down below? Thank you!!! I'll let Kanato do the disclaimer.

Kanato: Mutie does not own Diabolik Lovers, Vampire Knight, or Monokuma from DanganRonpa, only Yuki's "newly- found" personality...

Teddy (Omg he's talking : O): Don't forget to



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