The Long Awaited Arrival

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Here we are, first chapter.  Hope y'all enjoy!



"Oy, Hinata Boke!"

The third-years flinched as they watched their genius setter scold his partner once again. Kageyama glared down at Hinata, casting his iconic threatening smile(if it could even be called that) towards the boy.

"I understand why your receives were so off, you're an idiot who can't receive to save his own life after all." Hinata was about to respond before Kageyama cut him off with a glare. "But what I don't understand is why you can't even hit my tosses. My tosses have been perfect, so why the hell haven't you been able to hit one all practice, idiot?"

Tsukishima turned towards the duo, pushing his glasses up on his face. "The King has a point, Shrimp. You've been even worse than you normally are, and that's saying something."

Despite his crude wording, the rest of Karasuno had to admit he had a point. Hinata had seemed off during practice today, unfocused and off-kilter. It wouldn't be too odd under normal circumstances, everyone had their off days. However, Hinata had also seemed distracted, as if he was thinking about something else. That was the thing that worried everyone. Hinata made mistakes, sure, but he was always quick to come back from them with his perseverance and steadfast determination. Plus, seeing half of their resident volleyball obsessed duo... not obsessed with volleyball was a bit jarring for them.

"Don't blame me, Bakageyama and Saltyshima! It's just that-"

He stalled, freezing for a moment. He locked eyes, suddenly bounding towards where his captain and vice-captain were watching the turn of events. The two glanced at each other, confused at the middle blocker's antics.

Kageyama stared incredulously at his retreating form. "Hey! Boke! I wasn't done talking with you!"

Taking no notice of Kageyama's protests(or perhaps ignoring them), Hinata stood in front of Daichi. "So... umm, sorry captain, but..." he paused, scratching his head. "I won't be at school tomorrow, so you won't see me at practice either."

Kageyama stared, wide-eyed. Suddenly, he stomped over, shouting, "Hinata! What do you mean-"

He was cut off with a hand on his shoulder and sharp look from Suga. "Let Daichi handle this," he whispered.

The captain sighed, looking down at Hinata. "Well, it's not like I can stop you, but do you mind letting us know why you won't be at practice?"

The smile melted off of Hinata's face. "Uhhh... W-well," he stuttered, "um, I... am going to be sick?"

"Hah?" Kageyama shrieked. "What do you mean, going to be sick? You can't just plan to be sick idiot, just tell us-"

Kageyama's outcries were cut off, the gym door slamming open. Everyone stalled, looking at the figure in the doorway. Dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt obscuring their face and hair, a duffel bad strewn across ther shoulder, they seemed pretty suspicious. They scanned the room silently, eyes finally locking with their target. "Shouyou?"

They turned towards Hinata, standing there with a dazed expression on his face. "Nee-san?"

"SHOUYOUUUUUUUUU!!" The figure bolted across the gym, flinging themselves towards Hinata and bringing them both to the floor.

The person's hood flew back after their collision, orange hair spilling out and feminine features becoming more visible. "What are you doing here?" their middle blocker asked, a bit dazed from the fall. "I thought you weren't coming here until tomorrow?"

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