The Hinata Look™

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Hiiii everyone!  Now that school's out, I'll have more time to work on this story.  Sorry it's been so long, enjoy a longer chapter than normal!



"Maiiiiiiii! Breakfast's ready!"

Hinata Maika groaned, covering her ears with her pillow in a sorry attempt to block out the noise. She kept her eyes dutifully closed, unwilling to wake up at such an ungodly hour of the morning. However, she knew herself, and as soon as she was awake there was no way she could go back to sleep. Maika loved how outgoing her family was, she really did, but she couldn't help but question what she did in her past life to deserve a family so loud at ass o'clock in the morning.

With another half hearted groan she rose from bed, yawning and stretching a bit. Just as she was about to walk forwards the door was thrown open, slamming against the wall beside it. Mai cringed, taking a look at who had barged into her room. With orange hair as vibrant as her brother's and an energy to match, Hinata Natsu beamed up at her sister.

"Nee-san!! Shou told me to tell you that if you don't get downstairs he's going to eat all the food!"

Mai laughed a bit at her, smiling down at her younger sister. "Well, we can't have that, can we? Lead the way Nat-chan!"

Natsu acknowledged her sister with a proud grin, stomping towards the kitchen like the leader of a marching band. As soon as she sat down, Maika was greeted with a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. Her little brother smiled sheepishly at her, explaining, "I figured you might be a little homesick for the states."

Mai gasped dramatically, holding her hands atop her head as if she were praying. "Oh gods, what have I ever done to deserve such a sweet and considerate younger brother! I promise, I'll keep his innocence intact forever, or at least until he gets the balls to ask out that raven haired setter of his. Oh, I await the day when-"

"Maika!" Shouyou tried to look angry but it only made the blush on his face much more apparent. "I've told you, I don't like Kageyama like that and I never will. Plus, it's not like he'd ever be interested in me anyways, he's―"

"Does that mean you'd be interested in him if he was too?"

"No, of course not! Well... I mean... maybe, but―" Shouyou caught himself, looking towards his smirking sister. "Ugh, that's not the point Mai. What about your love life? Weren't you saying you were looking for someone while you were in Japan?"

His poor attempts to change conversation were noticed by his sister, who continued on unperturbed. "Don't worry Shou, I won't tease you about your boy toy too much. Anyways, I've told you how specific my type is, right? Flirty, tall, pretty but also really cool too? Oh, and brunette, I love brunettes!" Mai sighed, looking off into the distance.

"It seems nice at first, but it's almost impossible finding someone who fits into those categories and isn't already taken. But a girl can dream, am I right?"

Shouyou frowned, thinking about the description his sister listed. All in all, it seemed a bit familiar to him. He couldn't think of anyone at his school, but maybe somewhere else? Actually, it seemed pretty similar to―

"AHHHHHH!!" Shoyou yelped, eyes widening and quickly running outdoors. "Mai, we're late! Grab the spare bike outside, we gotta go!"

Maika looked at the clock and answered with a resounding "Shit!" before she grabbed her bag and leaped out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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