Introductions are in order

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Just a bit of a warning, the language here can get a bit colorful.  Otherwise, enjoy!  I appreciate any comment I get!



The boys of Karasuno's volleyball team generally considered themselves a hard group to scare off. From being known as the "clipped crows" to constantly being underestimated, they all learned that to get any respect they would have to be willing to fight back. This came in many forms, from Tanaka's threatening glares to Daichi's steadfast determination. So, yes 一 the boys considered themselves a pretty tough group. However, as they watched the small girl wrestle against her companion at the gym door, arms swinging and eyes seeming to pierce through their soul, they could all admit that an undeniable fear coursed through them.

"Let me at her Willow, I swear! I can't believe she just left us there and fu-"

The larger girl gently swatted her shoulder, shooting her a disapproving look. "Mind your language, Livvi, there are kids here," she lectured. "Plus, we're in Japan now, so don't be rude and speak in the native language."

"Tch, whatever."

Despite her crude language, the girl seemed to deflate just a bit, calming down just enough to lock eyes with her target. From behind her younger brother, Maika Hinata let out a concerned eep and scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Um, my bad Livvi?"

The petite girl stomped over in response, throwing her hand on her hip and glaring up at Maika. "Your bad? You bet your ass it's 'your bad'! We get off the plane and of course the first thing you want to do is go see your brother, which we of course went with being the lovely humans we are," Maika shot a look towards the smaller girl that she pointedly ignored. "and how do you thank us? By ditching us the moment you get to his school and leaving us stranded in a foreign country? God, I oughta-"

"Livvi!" Everyone in the room whipped their heads towards Shouyou, smiling at the new girl without a care in the world. Karasuno flinched a bit, expecting the anger that was surely to come, but paused when she instead responded with a huge grin.

"Well, if it isn't the little brat? Looks like you actually grew a bit after all, huh?" she teased.

It was a bit of an odd sight for everyone in the room, watching the girl attempt to ruffle their middle blocker's orange locks despite being a solid 4-5 inches below him. For all her talk of Shouyou's height, they couldn't help but notice that she herself was extremely small, a petite frame that leveled out a couples inches below their libero.

Coach Ukai watched the scene play out, massaging his forehead. "Well, I doubt any of us will be able to get back to practice now. God, I don't get paid enough for this," he sighed.

Well, he didn't get paid at all, but no one made a point to mention that to him. "As fun as this has been, who the hell are you?"

The older Hinata stepped forwards first. "I'm Maika, but I think you all knew that already. This here," she gestured towards her smaller companion, "is Livvi Wilde! We played soccer together back in high school and now we're together in college again! I know she might come off as scary at first, but she's honestly a softie at heart!"

Livvi scoffed, though they could see the hint of a blush on her cheeks. Her bag was thrown over her shoulder, donning the same sweats and sweatshirt as Maika. The most startling thing about her appearance was her black(or partially at least) hair, thrown into a messy bun and dyed a vibrant purple from the tips to about halfway up.

A soft voice jostled everyone from their thoughts, the larger girl that many had forgotten about inching forwards. "Well, my name is Willow Reede. I'm also on a soccer team with them and am traveling here to Japan abroad, it's nice to meet all of you!" She ended her introduction with a low bow, ears red at the tips.

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