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I ran. I ran for a bit more. They shot me in the hand but I continued running. I picked off a few more of them but I could already feel a stitch forming in my gut. I ducked behind a truck parked at the side of the road and panted for breath. It was nighttime and no one was out. I needed somewhere to stay for the night. The pain surging through my hand was immense and I wanted to pass out and die right there, but I knew I needed something to stop the blood. I took off my shirt and ripped it into bandages. Guess I need a new shirt I thought. I wrapped one around my hand and stood up.

"Freeze!" Someone said, their voice calm. I suddenly realised that without my shirt on my knife holster was visible, along with the knife. I folded the bandages up while backing up slowly when they suddenly drew a gun. "One step back and I'll shoot. Boss' ll get a massive bounty for you. I'll be rich!"

"Boss? Ameture. If you're a bounty hunter you should work for yourself."

"Shut up and get in the car."

"Fine, fine. I'm just trying to make conversation." I stepped in to the back of the car, making sure to sit behind the driver.

"Don't try anything."

"Yes mother..." I muttered. He clearly didn't hear over his ego.

"Rich. RICH!"

"Maybe then you could get a real job?"

"Shut up ya little shit." He started the car and drove off. I could feel the knife in my pocket. I suddenly reached my arms around his neck as if to hug him and started strangling him. He slipped out the car. I opened the door and dropped one foot out. He spun around and kicked the door closed, right on my leg.

"ARGGG!" the pain was excrusiating. I stepped out the car and almost toppled over. I drew both knives and hobbled at this mystery bounty hunter. "Thats it you motherfucker." I still managed to pin him down and I leapt on him. I drove the knife down at his head and he moved it, movie style, I did the same again and he dodged. This time I feigned with my knife, he tried to dodge and drove his head right in the path of the other on coming knife, which ended up right through his cheeks. "Finally you little shit... Jack Frost here hope you can staay-" he punched me in the gut. I rolled off him and clutched my stomach. He jumped at me, both cheeks bleeding and tried to grab my knife. A couple of cuts later, he was back on the floor again. "Just stay fucking Frosty you little shit!" I stabbed him in the heart. I climbed back into the car, took the keys out and laid on them. I tried to sleep but as the adrenaline died down the pain in my leg flared up. I cried myself to sleep for the first time since the freezer insident. Literally seconds before I fell asleep, a thought popped into my head. The baby! I drove painfully back to the house and checked the baby for injuries. She seemed fine.

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