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Jack hoped life in the prison would go on how it used to before he arrived. He expected bustling crowds, loud chants, hushed conversations in the corner, the average thigs you would find in a jail. My gosh was he wrong. As he walked into the refectory, everything went silent. He followed his cellmates and people made a path around him. A couple of people tried to face up to him, but when they didn't let up Jack simply jabbed the leader in the stomach and walked off. They ate sludge.

After dinner, Jack and his mates pretended to go to sleep. At around midnight, they had the armoury looted and were almost outside the prison.

Clearly, they were planning this escape in mind for him to be arriving. They rigged it so that the cell selection made sure that Jack was in the same cell as the ring-leader, and they had also attempted to tip off the police. That clearly worked. Jack thought to himself.

"Ok. We're out. Lets go see what we can do." The ringleader clearly wanted to be in charge. Jack let him, not minding. They walked into the centre of town and broke into an expensive-looking house. A cellmate ran upstairs, and Jack heard screams cut short. He prefered to check the fridge.

"So, Frosty." The prisoner that had run upstairs walked in and addressed him. "I guess you're pretty famous around here, huh? Them trying to use you to help them escape and all." Jack was getting irritated.

"What about it? Can you not see I'm trying to eat!"

"Yeah, but some of us less lucky folk want that." The prisoner gestured at him as a couple of other cellmates appeared behind him.

"The cheese? Sure, have it. I don't even like cheese." He held the package in his hand out towards his attackers. The closest to Jack smacked the cheese out of his hand. "Well that was uncalledfor. If yoh're gunna eat that, I'd pick it up quickly. Five second rule, y'know?" Clearly this made them snap. Just a Jack wanted.

The front pair lunged at Jack but he dodged with ease and stabbed one, immobilising him. He turned to face the second one, aware that his back was turned to the rest of the gang. One of them grabbed him while the one infront ran at him. Fighting back was helpless. He jumped up and kicked out with both legs connecting with his head. He stabbed his captor in the hand and kicked him in the crotch. He fell backwards and crushed some of his friends and Jack leaped over the spasming body and almost ran through the ringleader. He kicked the door in and ran into the night.

Jack heard screams coming from outside. The ex-prisoners were stabbing everyone and anyone around. They were not happy. One broke into the house he was in and Jack ran out of the window and heard gunshots. How in the world did they get a gun?!? It didn't matter. Jack just had to get out of there. It was raining, and the roof was slippery so Jack ran over to the other side and slid onto the shed. He ran over the shed roof and jumped onto the trampoline, before rolling out of the netting and dived into the shed a second before the shed gate opened.

"KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES! IF HE ESCAPES, YOU ALL DIE!" what had I done to the ring leader? They probably fed him bunch of lies.

Ex-prisoners POV.

He aproached the shed. He was thrown in prison for being caught pick pcoketing. He wasn't violent. He was threatened into doing this. He was glad that guy infront of him fell and crushed him. He didn't want yo fight Jack, or anyone. He wanted to go home. Thats why he joined this gang.

He placed his hand on the latch. Lifting it gently, he swung the door open to find it empty.

"Jack? If you're in here, I don't want to hurt you." It was worth a try. He scanned the shed one more time and as he closed the door saw something in a dark corner glint, and he knew where Jack was. "The sheds clear! No one in here!" He began to walk away when

"Stop right there, scrub. I heard what you said. Say goodbye." He turned around to face this man. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened when he saw the barrel of a pistol aimed at his forehead. Time slowed, and all he could think about as he bled out was the fact that he would never get to see his parents, or his wife and two children.

Jack POV.

The prisoner walked in and looked past Jack. He didn't trust him when he said he didn't want to hurt him, so Jack only gave him a glint of the knife in the moonlight. He walked out and Jack heard muffled exchanges of words, then a gunshot rattle through the air.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jack screamed outloud. Realising what  he had done, he released the trap door he was lying on and fell into a small pit, winding himself on the hard, packed dirt beneath him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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