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❪  ivianm- ❫ NOW PLAYING, sweater weather , the neighbourhood ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦

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❪  ivianm-
sweater weather , the neighbourhood

❪  ivianm- ❫ NOW PLAYING, sweater weather , the neighbourhood ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦

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ᜰ.  either hinata or tsukishima find out that the two of you are dating and tell the entire team that you guys are dating. will likely lead to kageyama throwing something and a mouthful of curse words, but he'll be thankful everyone in the team knows that you're his. the third years might tease you at times for watching their practices, but they'll all accept you with open arms.

ᜰ. will always enjoy when you wait for him when he practices late. ( cue him trying to get hinata out of the way so he wouldn't see him looking so soft for you by setting him to the MOON! rip hinata i join you <\3 ) he likes it when you hold onto his hands and ask how his day went. this will most likely lead into him pressing kisses to the top of your head out of him softening up for you.

ᜰ. ICECREAM DATES! even though you aren't really expecting him to have a sweet tooth, he'll always try and share a sundae with you during days that he's not really busy. he'll try and hold your hand under the table, as awkward as he is, he'll try and say something like "pretty nice icecream!" and might get a brain freeze from eating too much in trying to impress you. if you laugh at him, he'd probably get so flustered and ask you to stop teasing him.

ᜰ. he'll send funny midnight texts that'll probably make you question if this is the same person that you're dating. he just does enjoy late night calls with you just to hear your sleepy voice, even though he won't vocally admit it. especially when the two of you fall asleep on the phone together? he falls in love all over again and waits until you're asleep to say that he really does adore you a lot.

ᜰ. when you wear his jersey at games, poor baby might combust with pride at how pretty you look. ( cue the entire team looking so surprised and shocked that kageyama is GETTING SHY! ) he'll probably be too shy to actually steal a kiss on the court but waits when the two of you are alone to tell you how cute you look and give you a kiss there.

ᜰ. he loves it SOSOSOSO much when you make him lunchboxes and write him cute little notes that remind him not to just drink milk and actually eat what you make. most likely will brag to everyone that you make him lunch and tsukishima might say something to piss him off and the two will start arguing.

ᜰ. hinata is IMMEDIATELY your best friend when the two of you are dating. will most likely try and tease kageyama when the three of you walk home together and say something like "do you know that he talks about you to the team? about how much he loooves you?" this will lead to a flustered kageyama beating up hinata and trying to conceal the fact that he's so whipped for you. hinata will come up to you all the time when kageyama talks about you to him or the others, and in conclusion is your biggest hypeman.

ᜰ. he'll always try and steal kisses when the two of you are supposed to be in classes. or right before the two of you are supposed to be in class, sneaking in empty hallways to press kisses to your lips. this boy will never vocally admit but he LOVES LOVES LOVES when you pull onto his collar when it comes to kisses, it always leaves him breathless and wanting more if you ask me.

ᜰ. never vocally admits how he feels for you because he's awkward and shy, but when he does, he's holding onto your face and looking you in the eye so he doesn't mess anything up. poor baby might pull you to him so close when you tell you feel the same and might cry on the spot.



NEXT UP ! miya osamu with a crush on you headcanons

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miya osamu with a crush on you

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