A Great Finding : Chapter 1

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Alexandrya woke up that morning drowning her thoughts in water as she entered the shower. She had a test today and she was gonna ace it!

She wondered 'Did i study hard enough? What grade am i gonna get?'

Nobody was as paranoid as she was when it came to school. She pulled her favorite shirt over her head and pulled on some jeans. She didn't try too hard but most people thought she did. A lot of people admired the 'not too dark and not too light brown skin girl. Along with her brown hair and brown eyes she still wasn't average.

"She is beautiful", she heard some boys say.

Blushing into her arms, she entered school. Just then the late bell had rang, she ran up the stairs and flew into the classroom. Incognito she became as she settled behind the teacher.

"Miss McKenzie do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yes, Ms. Shelnio. Two minutes past 8".

"Then next time come before 8".

Alexandrya rolled her eyes and started to write the aim on the board. 'Alexandrya' a whisper soared through her ears. She turned around and saw nobody was calling her. 'That was weird' she thought to herself. 'Alexandrya come!' Alexandrya swung around in her chair and flew off....nobody was calling her yet again. Everybody started to laugh.

Ms. Shelnio turned from the chalkboard and said, "Alexandrya do you think that you personally are funny?"

"No sir....I mean ma'am!"

Ms. Shelnio burned with rage. Nobody ever dared to call her a man.

"Detention! Go now or suffer the consequences later!"

Alexandrya smirked, "Either way, I'm still suffering."

She walked out the classroom with heat on her cheeks. She walked to the principal, not knowing where it was she looked into a lot of rooms. Curious as she is she peeked through the Windows of the classrooms...No principal. All at once she heard 'Alexandrya!'. Alexandrya ran to catch the voice she's been hearing all day. 'Alexandrya Alexandrya come come!' Students in the hall looked at her like she was a idiot.

"What's she doing?", a blonde girl asked.

Alexandrya didn't care what she thought all she knew is that she had to find this voice. Just like how the voice came, it was gone.

She ended up finding the principal in her office towards the end of the period.

"Alexandrya, I've heard that you've been giving trouble in your math class recently", Ms. Lox said.

Ms. Lox was the school's principal. She had green eyes and a head full of brunette locks. Alexandrya saw where she got her name.

"Well, Ms. Shelnio isn't one of my favorites", she claimed.

"Welllll", Ms. Lox dragged on,"YOU aren't to disrespect any teacher so this is the first and last time I'm warning you Alexandrya. You usually are a very nice girl. What's going on with you today?", Ms. Lox said in a barely whisper.

"I'm fine.", Alexandrya grumbled and walked out the principal's office. If she explained her situation then the principal would've thought she was crazy, so she kept her business to herself.


Alexandrya had walked into her house smelling the aroma of her favorite pumpkin bread treat. Her mother and grandmother would make them around thanksgiving and Alexandrya loved them! Her grandmother Diana passed her one and said, "I made one just for you", she beamed as she said those words. Her mom Trecia, was home from work today and greeted her but was on the phone.

"Mhm.....yea that's fine. I don't want to do her work if she's not here. I always do her work when she's here and now she's taking advantage!"

Alexandrya's mom seemed upset so she didn't bother her. Diana was watching judge Judy and laughing. Alexandrya loved watching her grandma laugh. It made her happy. She walked upstairs and closed the room door.

'Alexandrya', the whisper came back yet again.

It didn't matter where it was coming from because she decided that she wasn't going to try again. But this time even louder, 'ALEXANDRYA'. It drifted through the Windows and through her room door. It came up from the floors and around her bed. It seemed as if she kept annoying it, it would press for her to find it.

So she did.

She looked under her bed, in her closet and in her dressers. 'Alexandrya'. It was coming from the backyard. She ran downstairs and put on her boots and jacket. Diana looked at her and said, "Girl, where you going?" Alexandrya looked at her grandmother and said, "You wouldn't understand." Diana looked at her shocked and Alexandrya flew through the door. She went to the backyard and went into the shed. She got the shovel and started to dig. 'Alexandrya', the voice got louder. She knew she was getting closer.  When Alexandrya thought she dug deep enough she threw the shovel and used her hands. She felt something move and she pulled it out of the ground. Alexandrya looked  her hands and found.....

.....a worm?

'This is not what I'm looking for', she thought to herself. She kept using her hands and still found nothing. "UGHHHH!", she screamed in anger. All that work for nothing. She ended up putting the dirt and the shovel back. Alexandrya's hands were dirty but she still pressed them against her face in disappointment. Then she saw a pink light shine from under her clothes. Her necklace? The same necklace that her grandmother and mother claimed they bought her on her eighth birthday. It was a gem and she loved it. She connected with it somehow but couldn't put a finger on it.

She examined its glow and whispered, "Wow!".

It started to blink and she saw eyes? "What the...?"

It released itself from her chain and floated in front of her chest, arms length. "Hellooooo Alexandrya". the gem had spoke too? "What the...?", She said again.

"Don't be afraid!!! Please don't! Don't you love me?", it asked in a squeaky voice.

"This is really weird right now. I'm not scared, just weirded out to be honest", Alexandrya claimed looking at her feet.

"Well you already know me and you named me pinky gem remember?"

"I named you that a long time ago...I also called you my best friend. I still appreciate you", Alexandrya laughed, "But it's weird that you can talk and I'm talking back".

"How do you find it weird when you listened to the sound of my voice calling you?"

"That was you?"

"Yeah you didn't seem to answer", the gem laughed.

"Okay enough with that, just tell me why you were calling me".

"Okay so remember when you accepted me for your "birthday gift"? You actually accepted to rule a kingdom when the queen died.....", the gem put its arms behind its back as if innocent of some kind.

"Wait what?", Alexandrya was puzzled, "A kingdom? What kingdom? We live in New York hun. There are no kingdoms here!"

"In the world of reflection there is to!"

Alexandrya was puzzled once again. "World of reflection?"

Pinky (the gem) said, "I'll show you my queen".

Alexandrya was gladly to accept. She followed the gem and into the house they went.

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