Chapter 12

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Akaashi POV

This dare is stupid! I shouldn't have to...oh's so short!

The shirt is tight over my chest and barely tucks into the plaid skirt. The skirt hardly goes to my mid-thigh.

I gulp.

I can't go out in this! It deplenishes my image. But I guess I have to, plus the look on Bokutos face might just be worth it...

I hesitantly leave the bathroom and re-enter the living room.

Everyone gasps when they see me but I only have my eyes on Bokuto, who as soon as he saw me, fell off the bar stool he was sitting on from the force of his nosebleed. He raises his arm up in a thumbs up to show everyone he's ok.

Worth it.

I hold back my laughter.

" Wow Akaashi!" Kuroo exclaims. " You look so cute!" Suga squeals and I smile just a bit at the praise.

" What about me?" Daichi asks. " You're hot, not cute." Suga says.

Good answer.

Tsukishima apparently makes a rude comment because everyone boos him. While that's happening an arm slithers around my waist pulls me back into their lap. I look up to see Bokuto.

Keep your blush under control...say something!!

" You're such a perv Bokuto." I say.

Just slap yourself already. Way to go Akaashi. You really suck at flirting.

" What? I'm not allowed to get a nosebleed when I see you in a super short skirt?" He asks, giving me a goofy smile. " Whatever, just don't stare." I look away from his eyes.

At least it was better then before.

" Why not?" Bokuto asks. " It makes me uncomfortable." I answer, which is only part of the truth.

" Or are you scared he doesn't like it?" Suga suggests and I mentally tell him to shut up, hoping we have some kind of mom-telepathic connection.

Apparently we do because he backs off.

" Well no need to worry because I think you look stunning." He grins and I roll my eyes, looking away before my blush becomes more prominent. " I never look stunning." I say. " You always look stunning." I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

" Is that flirting I hear?" Kuroo asks suggestively.
" Don't turn into Suga." Kenma scolds, opening his eyes from the short nap he had on Kuroo and I shoot him a soft smile.

" You're cute when you have a drowsy voice." Kuroo grins and Kenma rubs his eyes. " Sh-shut up." He stutters.

He's not used to getting compliments. Kuroo will be good to him and good for him. Where Kenma is an introvert, Kuroo is an extrovert, where Kenma isn't very affectionate, Kuroo is very affectionate. They balance out.

" Aw did Kitten stutter again?" Kuroo teases, still smiling at his boyfriend. " Whatever..." Kenma says, looking away.

I turn to see Bokuto looking at me with hungry eyes.

I can't say I hate it, but others will surely notice and tease us about it. That won't be good.

" Why are you staring Bokuto?" I ask quizzically.
" Because you look great right now." He grins and runs his thumbs over my waist. I flush and my eyes widen, but I make no move to stop him.

Maybe I can slowly work up to where he figures out himself that I like him...? Yeah, that's be best.

" Why do you keep saying that?" I ask. " Because it's true." He answers with no hesitation.

No it's not...

" But I'm not." I say back. " Yes." He says. " No." I counter. " Yes." " Why do you think I'm good-looking?" I ask, a little annoyed. " Because I've thought that since the second I laid eyes at on you at tryouts. You know why?" He asks and now everyone's attention is back on us.

I hate this attention, it feels like it should be a private moment between us...but I guess that's just the affect Bokuto has on people...

" Why?" I ask. " Because I've liked you since last year."

Everything goes muffled.

He...what? Huh? H-how?! Damnit now I'm even stuttering in my head. What is this guy doing to me?! He's going to be the death of me if he keeps this up ...

Now when you answer, DO NOT STUTTER!!

" W-what?!"

Mission failed. Mental facepalm.

" Finally! My last ship has fallen into place!" I hear Suga exclaim behind me, also hearing Daichi trying to calm him down.

" Do you like me back?" I detect a hint of desperation in Bokutos voice and I will myself to speak.

C'mon Akaashi! He confessed first! At least tell him you feel the same...and DONT stutter, that means you don't do it ok?!

" Do you mean like love like or like friend like?" I ask and I will fist to punch me in the face.

You get dumber everyday. Actually no, it's not even me. Bokuto just makes me malfunction whenever he's near.

" Love like." Bokuto says and I can tell he's getting sad by my lack of a real answer.

" O-oh..."

Here we go with the stuttering again.

" Well? Do you feel the same or not?" I can hear the sadness seep through his words and want so bad to to answer correctly this time.

Just say yes! It's not hard!!

" How could I not?" I ask.

Close enough...

" Wait did I hear that right?" Bokuto asks quickly, eyes gleaming. " Yes! He said he liked you back, now kiss!!" I hear Suga yell behind us and cheers erupt from everyone as Bokuto leans closer to my face.

" I have no objections." Bokuto says, lips practically on mine already. " Well...ok..." he smiles and connects our lips, his hands grasp onto my waist tighter then before and his calloused hands rest on my hips.

His lips are kinda chapped, but I like it, it makes him seem more like a guy.

By now I've completely forgotten what I'm wearing.

Bokuto moves his head to the side to make the kiss deeper and I follow, running a hand through his stupid hair.

God I've wanted to do that since I saw him...

We break away because we needed air and the cheers and hollars around me bring me back to reality. I flush bright red.

" YES!!!" Suga yells and Daichi doesn't even attempt to keep him calm now.

" Now we all have boyfriends." Oikawa says as Iwaizumi hugs him closer to his chest. I look over my shoulder at all the couples cuddling.

They're right, we all have boyfriends now...will we keep playing?

" Hey Akaashi?" Bokuto whispers. " Yeah Bokuto?" I ask. " Your skirt rode up." I look down to see my skirt above my boxers and I pull it down, blushing wildly.

" Red is a good color on you." He whispers before pressing a kiss to my temple and circling his arms around my waist.

He's going to be the best boyfriend ever...

Also when do I get to change back??

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