Chapter 1 - The start

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Hinata POV

I'm so excited for the sleepover! Kageyama will be there! He never participated in stuff like this before so it's good he's doing it now.

I bounce in the car seat as my mom drops me off. I wave goodbye and dash into Suga's house. His parents are gone for the weekend and so we are allowed to use the house while they are gone.

I knock on the door and it's opened by Daichi.

" Hey Daichi!" I rush past him before he can greet me back and drop my bag in the living room.

" Shoyo." Kenma slightly smiles at my presence and I wrap him in a bear hug against his quiet protests, but he eventually relaxes into it. " Hi Kuroo." I greet the bed-headed male behind Kenma.

" Hinata?" Suga asks, coming from a hallway.               " Suga!" I exclaim as Noya comes out behind him.
He bounds over to be, jumping over my shoulders.

" Hinata! This is going to be so fun!" He exclaims and I jump up and down with him until I get smacked upside the head.

" Stop being so hyper Dumbass." I hear the deep irritating voice of my rival. God his voice is so calming when he's not yelling. What?! Stop thinking that Shoyo! I scold myself.

" Shut up Bakayama! At least I show emotion other than anger!" He growls and I turn back to Kenma. He's playing a game as usual and I sit down next to him, scooting closer until I can see what he's doing.

" Kenma! You never let me sit that close to you!" Kuroo whines. " Please be quiet Kuroo, I'm trying to focus." He responds in his normal sweet monotone.

Soon everyone else arrives and Suga orders pizza. We all eat fast and I end up sharing a whole pizza with Noya. " How in the hell did you and Noya eat a whole pizza by yourselves?! You're so small!" Oikawa says. " Hey that doesn't mean anything!" Noya fires back, not scared of the great king at all.

" Wow Noya-senpai! You're so cool standing up to The Great King like that." Noya beams at being called senpai.

" We should all play truth or dare!" Kuroo suggests.
" No." Kenma says immediately. " That's a game for kids." Tsukishima sneers. " Not if we play Bokuto and I's version." He says. " And what's your version?" Daichi asks. " Strip truth or dare. We also give each other dirty dares and truths." Bokuto explains. " Strip truth or dare?" I ask. " Dumbass. It means that if you don't want to do the dare or answer the truth you have to take off a piece of clothing." Kageyama scoffs and I roll my eyes.

" Sounds fun!" I exclaim. " Yeah c'mon guys let's play! If you don't like it, then we can stop." Noya offers. " Is this the best idea guys?" Suga asks. " Yeah, I'm not sure about this." Daichi says. " No need to worry mom and dad, it'll be fun!" Noya claims. " Mom?" Suga asks. " Dad?" Daichi asks and everyone laughs. " They even know which ones they are." Tsukishima says. " So are we all playing?" Everyone nods after Yamaguchi convinced Tsukishima.

" Let's just get this over with." Kenma says. " C'mon Ken, don't be like that! Truth or dare Tsukishima?" He asks boldly. " You'll be my first victim of the night since you were so reluctant to play." Tsukishima rolls his eyes as he sits on the couch with Yamaguchi.

Suga and Daichi are sitting on one side of the coffee table next to the sofa and I'm sitting on the floor next to Kageyama in front of the coffee table. I can faintly smell his ocean scented cologne and it smells good, I resist the urge to scoot closer and look at Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Akaashi standing behind me. Kenma sits in front of Kuroo and Asashi sits by the wall next to me with Nishinoya.

" Truth or dare Tsukki." Kuroo teases using his nickname. " Truth." He says. " Boring. Do you like anyone?" He asks and Tsukishima immediately strips his pants. Yamaguchi blushes next to him.

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