part 10-jimins graduation

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Smut up ahead its nothing to intense. I just suck at it I'm not good at writing smuts.

Today was jimins graduation you stayed at his place because of what happen last night with your parent's focusing you to take their drugs and eat it, jimin talked you out about it and you told him your not going home because you know things well not work out. So jimin got ready for his graduation, on the other hand you started working part time when you started sophomore year to earn and save money to rent your own home you didn't want to stay with jimin all day because that will make jimins family uncomfortable. It was noon jimins graduation started you and his whole family was there to watch, you were happy for him after the graduation jimin told his parents to go home first because he wants to spend time with you, so he drove to a empty road cliff with a beautiful view and see the stars.
You: wow! I didnt know this was beautiful I never been here before!
You were wearing a cute outfit, you and jimin never done it. You look at him.
You: what are you gonna do?
Jm: I got accept at the university I wanted to go too. I'll be going next year.
You: thats good.
Jm: and I promise we gotta do it.
You look at him shock, he started to kiss you roughly and touching your legs, you kiss back. He then whisper in your ear.
Jm: get in the backseat babe.
You crawl to the back and so did he, he went out top of you and started to take off all yours and his clothes he took off his and yours underwear, he put on protection and put it in you moving slowly. You started to moan and then for a few minutes you finally got use to it and told him to go faster and so he did, for a few hours of doing it in his car you both finally finished and put your guys clothes back on.
Jm: I'm gotta miss you...
You: whatt you mean?
Jm: I'm gotta be living in a dorm at the university.
You smile and nodded as in good job.

2 years later you move out of jimins rich family home and bought a brand new apartment away from your parent's, you finally finish high school and so did Ara but you could barely visit jimin at his dorm room at the university because hes so busy with school work etc you were not going to college you were making money at your work place you and jimin could only text and call each other when you guys are free. You miss him and he misses you. You were 20 and he was 22. You both will always do anniversary on the day you guys dated.

And you thought your life was going well with jimin without getting anything in your way but be happy with him and only him the man you loved.

 My love for you-(PJM)Where stories live. Discover now