part 33-unknown caller

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You went home after jungkooks funeral then you got a unknown caller you picked it up.
You: hello?
It was a deep tone.
???: ms.min come to the abandoned building where yeonhee die.
Your eyes widened.
the person had hang up on you. You went to your room to go change.
Your pov: what is wrong with jimin? My own enemy hugging me?
You roll your eyes you then heard your phone beep you check and that unknown number sent a text, you open it and it has say "tomorrow at 10am I'll be waiting" you were shock and turn off your phone.

Next day came you got up and was getting ready to meet this person you bought your gun and knife. You drove your car to the abandoned building, you got put of your car and then you walk in but there was nobody.
You: this is bullshit.
Right when you say that someone came behind you and put alcohol  around  your mouth you try to fight back but lose your strength your eyes blur. 10mins later you woke up and found yourself tie up with ropes on a chair your mouth was tape up.
You: mm!
??: your awake.
You look and saw a man.
???: hello ms.min I am jimins CEO at the other company you heard about.
You breath heavily because you saw him holding a knife.
CEO: jimin fail his mission on killing I'm gotta do it.
You try to get out.
CEO: oh no no your precious jimin is not coming to help you.
He loaded a gun and aim it at you.
CEO: goodbye girl.
He turn and there jimin was at the door.
Jm: let her go...
CEO: ah jimin do you want to kill her?
He moved and jimin saw you tie up.
Jm: I quit.
Jimin throw his name tag on the floor.
Jm: and take your money back!
He threw his money on the floor.
Jm: I dont work for you anymore old man.
Jimin walk close to him he smirk and BANG! On your leg.
You: mmmmm!
You bleed and felt so much pain your cry.
CEO: ohh it hurts doesnt it yn?
You glare at him in lust. The CEO was by himself he didnt came with his men.
Jm: why are you doing this?
CEO: because I dont like her.
Jimin looked at you with tears in your eyes then his mind flashes.

You: what's this?
Jm: a sun necklace I promise you I'll marry you in the featured.

He got his mind together and saw the CEO pointing the gun at him, they both shot at each other jimin shot in the arm but the boss got two shots in his chest they fell on the floor jimin saw his boss bleed out. You then saw someone behind him with a gun on his hand.
You: mmmmm!
Jimin turn and he got shot on his leg.
Jm: ahh!
It was your CEO. You were breathing heavily.
CEO: we wanted the both of you dead.
Jimin was crawling to get his gun, you were moving then you fell on the ground and there jimins gun, jimin then got his leg wound step.
Jm: ahh!
You were reaching to his gun even tho your hands were tie up, you finally got it and face it to your boss.
CEO: good bye jimin.
BANG BANG BANG! You shot him three times, he fell jimin got up to untie you, you rip off the tape on your mouth.
You: ugh! We have to get out of here!
You grab jimin put his arm around you to stand up he then notice a women pointing a gun at you both.
You looked and it was Mrs.Lee she pull the Tigger, you cover jimin and got shot on the back.
Jm: YN!
He caught you and grab his gun and shot Mrs.Lee four times she fell he then fell with you.
Jm: yn! Yn!
You open your eyes.
Jm: your going to be okay...
He heard the ambulance and cops.
Jm: you'll be save soon stay with me..
You could barely talk because of the pain.
Jm: I give you the sun necklace because I promise you that I will marry you...
You had flashbacks of the old years, and finally the cops and ambulance made it and took you and jimin to the hospital.

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