Secco gets sick

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Thank you Fifteen_Sunflowers_ for the idea!!

It was a rainy day. Cioccolata woke up at about 8:00, which was very late for him. He thought Secco would be up, watching TV, but he wasn't there.
Was he eating breakfast already?
Not there.
Was he playing outside?
Again, not there.
"Ok don't panic, Cioccolata, he's probably just asleep" Cioccolata said to himself.
Cioccolata creeped into secco's room and saw secco sleeping, but he looked miserable
Cioccolata ran to secco and saw he had a fever.

Secco was pretending it was nothing serious but Cioccolata picked him up and put him in the car.
"Where are we going, Cioccolata?" Secco said tiredly. "We are taking you to the doctor, pronto!" Cioccolata replied.
Sure, Cioccolata likes seeing people in misery, but secco was different. Secco was the only one he didn't like to see get hurt.

This was secco's first time in a doctor's office. "Uhm secco?" The receptionist said confused. Secco crawled down the hall to room number 3 and sat on the ground, with Cioccolata by his side. "... uhh the doctor will be here right away" she said and ran away as fast as she could.

Once the doctor arrived, he looked very confused, but eventually said "take a seat on the table please". Secco jumped like a raptor onto the table. "Say ahh" the doctor said while holding a popsicle stick.
"AHHH" secco yelled while making his mouth as big as can be
The doctor wrote something down on his clipboard and said "he just has a stomach flu-" mid-sentence, secco barfed all over the doctor and Cioccolata. The whole room went silent. "Are you ok my Secco?" Cioccolata asked the poor dog-human thing he was. "Y-yes I'm just tired" Secco said weakly. "Just rest, water, and Advil will do the trick" the doctor said. "Oo I used to have one of those blades" Cioccolata said while picking up one.

The doctor looked at Cioccolata, scared to death, and backed into the corner. "Get the camera" Cioccolata ordered secco. Secco pulled out the camera, but once he started recording, he barfed everywhere. "It adds to the affect" Cioccolata said. Cioccolata took the blade, cut the doctor a little bit, and than said "since you helped my secco, I'll let you live" the doctor looked confused but didn't question it and ran away, while giving secco a lollipop.

"You did good, Secco" Cioccolata praised secco.
"Thank you" Secco replied and they went into the car and drove off into the sunset.


Secco and Cioccolata Where stories live. Discover now