[CH6]Jauney Boy

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = *Sigh*
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

It has been a few days since my fight with Cardin, things haven't been looking good for Team JNPR, Pyrrha is angry, Jaune seems depressed, and Nora got into Okami's stash so their room was rebuilt, and Ren is fine.
Team RWBY on the other hand seems great Ruby, Yang, and Okami train together, Weiss is less mean, and Blake is Blake.

Now we see the hallway of the Beacon Dorms where Jaune seems hesitant to enter his team's room.After thinking he decided to close the door.


Ruby-"Hey, Jaune."Jaune turns around."Long time no see, did you lock yourself out again?"

Jaune-"Nope got it right here"*holds up scroll*

Ruby-"So Where've you been lately?"

Jaune-"I...I messed up, I said something I shouldn't've, Pyrrha is angry, and Cardin has me on a leash.
*slides down to the floor*I'm a failure."



Ruby-"Nope.You're a leader, you're not allowed to be a failure."

Jaune-"But, what if i'm a failure of a leader?"

Ruby-"Nope."She says as walks over and sits down next to him.

Jaune-"You're not that easy to talk to about this you know?"

Ruby-"No--okay i'll stop.You might of been a failure when you were a kid *Jaune slides down with a sigh*or when we met *Again*but you can't be one now.Do you know why?"

Jaune-"Because..."He trails off.

Ruby-"Because it's not about you, you have a team, we both do and if we fail that brings them down too.We have to put them first*gets up*and ourselves second.Your team deserves a great leader Jaune and you can be that."

She walks over to her dorm."Have a good night Jaune."She walks in and closes the door.

Jaune gets up and gets a call on his scroll, opening it he heard Cardin. Cardin wanted him to catch a bunch of Rapier wasps for him, but before Jaune could go and do it his dorm opened and Okami walked out.

Jaune-"Hey O-"Okami cuts him off.

Okami-"I heard everything, i'm helping and you're gonna explain everything.Got it?"

Jaune-"Got it."

~~Time Skip~~

So one long explanation and a slap to the face later, Jaune and Okami are collecting Rapier wasps and having a heart to heart.

Jaune-"I deserved that."He says rubbing his face.

Okami-"Yeah, you did."*Tries to put hand on Jaune's shoulder*"Jaune you shouldn't've done that to Pyrrha, she only wanted to help, but we also failed as a team.I mean, I may've had a heart to heart with Cardin but there's no way he would change so quickly."

Jaune-"I know I screwed up, but I didn't want to be reliant on someone like some damsel in distress.I want to be a hero."

Okami-"Jaune, *sigh* heroes fight for and with their friends, they help each other out so all of them can be the best person they can be.You can't be a hero without people supporting you Jaune."Jaune stares at Okami thinking.

Jaune-"Yeah, that makes sense but what do I do now?Cardin still has me on a leash."

Okami-"I'm sorry Jaune, but I can't help with that.On the other hand I can fix you're relationship with Pyrrha."

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