Chapter 2

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A/N: Ok, so people actually read this. Thank you so much! I was going to make this a one shot but then dumped that idea after I realized I had no idea what I was doing lol halfway through the chapter. Anyways, here's the second chapter!

"From the way you practically ran out of the room, I thought you had something important to do."

Shinichi jolted, whipping around to face whoever startled him. Just a few inches away stood Kaito Kuroba, his lopsided grin growing into a large smirk.

His shock immediately turned into annoyance and he buried his nose back into the book he was reading. After his father dismissed them all, Shinichi had rushed out. He had been eager to get away and just get comfortable with something that didn't involve people. It wasn't like he disliked talking to people or anything. It was the fact that he had to talk to people who specifically either want control of their kingdom or want control of him.

Despite his actions, Shinichi understood that it was inevitable. The kingdom was in crisis. If he were to be married off, then it would bring back some of the kingdom's prosperity. Although he wasn't sure if the crime rate would lessen. Seriously, what is with the amount of murders in Beika?

"Oi oi, don't ignore me! Shin-chaaannnn~"

Oh right, Kaito was still there.

"Prince Kaito, I don't think I gave you permission to address me so familiarly." Shinichi hummed, keeping his eyes on the book.

The leather cover suddenly slipped from his fingertips as it was yanked out of his hands. Shinichi gaped, looking up and glaring up at the thief.

Kaito only winked, his indigo eyes practically shone with mischief. "Ok~! Now that I have your attention, I think introductions are in order~!"

Shinichi raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms. "Didn't we already introduce each other? Unless you suddenly forgot."

Waving a gloved hand, Kaito chuckled. "Ah, but that doesn't count! What you see on stage is only an act, after all."

Shinichi only stood up and gave him an unimpressed stare. He took this time to size him up and had to admit, Kaito was attractive. His indigo eyes were filled with life and a free spiritedness he had never seen before. His dark, brown hair was untamed and wild, unlike the other suitors. At least it was nice to know he wasn't a prick focused on appearances. Actually now that he thought about it, they could probably pass off as twins. Ok, married to his mirror image. That sounded gross.

"Shin-chaaaannn! Stop looking at me like that!"

Oh whoops, forgot about him again.

His attention returned to Kaito, except this time there was a red rose between them. Shinichi blinked, momentarily confused.

"You know this is the part where you accept the rose right?" Kaito interrupted his train of thoughts. Shinichi felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment as he snatched the thornless stem from the prince. He didn't need to look at Kaito to know that he was grinning from ear to ear. It was practically radiating off of him.

"I know that," Shinichi weakly retorted, rubbing his thumb across the smooth stem. His eyes narrowed in realization and he glared up at Kaito from beneath his lashes. "Oi oi, I'm not a princess just because I'm going into an arranged marriage you know."

Kaito only smirked, leaning in closer to the other, his warm breath brushed across his cheek. Shinichi couldn't help but notice how it smelled slightly minty, sugary sweet even. He felt his cheeks warm up again and tried to stop himself from outright turning red.

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