Chapter 3

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A/N: So, I didn't realize writing on my phone made the chapters shorter since they actually look long on my notes, so that's an oof. I also, also didn't mean to bring Gin into the game so early so that's another down but whoops.
Shinichi regretted a lot of things.

Like that one time he had peeked into his parent's room when he was five after hearing his mom scream and the sound of her headboard being hit repeatedly.

Or that other time he had decided to help Sera cut Gin's hair when they were eleven.

And just two hours ago when he decided he didn't like it when Kuroba was upset.

Now he was burying his face into his hands while his best friend, Heiji Hattori, laughed hysterically. The dark-skinned knight practically wheezed, his body bent over as he clutched his stomach in an attempt to ease the pain.

Shinichi had wanted to talk to someone about what happened between Kaito and him. He didn't want to go to Ran, since she would probably tease him endlessly. Sera was an obvious no go— he could vividly imagine her making sexual innuendos while simultaneously giving him the sex talk professionally. His parents weren't even an option. Heiji would probably tease him like Ran, but at least he wouldn't give him one of those sappy speeches on how he should "pursue his true love".

So, he sought out the knight and found him lounging at a tavern not too far from the castle.

And yet here he was now, wearing a dark cloak over his head, regretting the very choice of even considering telling Heiji and asking for advice.

"I thought you said you wouldn't laugh?" Shinichi groaned, chancing a glance up at him between the slits of his fingers.

Heiji made to speak, a mischievous smirk on his face, only to break out in breathy laughs again. Shinichi groaned louder.

Or what he thought was a groan. It sounded more like a dog choking on a whine while simultaneously like a goat calling for help.

It took a few minutes for Hattori to get himself together again— he still looked a second away from erupting into a fit of chuckles.

Shinichi shot him an icy glare.

"Sorry sorry, but wha' da hell possessed ya ta grab Kuroba's face and almos' kiss 'im-"

"I did not almost kiss him!" Shinichi all but screeched, his head comically whipping up to give the knight a seething glare. If it weren't for the redness in his cheeks, Hattori would've shrunk back in fear.

"Sure, whatever ya tell yer'self. Bu' seriously Shinichi, you usually aren't da hands-on kinda person in things like these. Hell, you can't even correctly guess a woman's underwear."

The prince openly gaped at him. Hattori raised an eyebrow as his face grew even redder, if that was possible.

"Heiji!" Shinichi grit through his clenched teeth.

Thank whatever God was out there it was too loud for anyone to overhear their conversation, despite it only being 3pm in the afternoon.

Heiji just ruffled the shorter male's hair playfully, a rough smile on his handsome features from across the table. "I'm jokin' I'm jokin'!", he laughed heartily.

Shinichi scowled at him, annoyed. But Heiji did have a point. He's never been the type to initiate contact with other people, physically and verbally. Hell, in all his life he's only had three close friends.

Actually, Sonoko doesn't count.

Groaning loudly, he slammed his head into the table. Shinichi wished the ground would swallow him up and spit out his bones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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