~ Prologue ~

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Key Words
(Y/n) = Your name
(E/c) = Eye color
(S/n) = Surename
(M/n)= Mother name
(F/n)= Father name 


         A young girl in a simple black dress looked up to the sky. The clouds were gray and were forming together. The child stood still as she watches the clouds slowly turn dark. She moves her head down as she gazed upon the two stones in front of her. She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see a man with blue hair.

        His kind blue eyes looked down at her with a gentle yet sympathetic smile. "My dear, it's time to go back, the rain will start coming soon." The nobleman spoke in a soft, gentle tone as the young girl turned around and look back at the two tombstones of her deceased parents.

        The kind man took her hand gently as they began to walk. "I am truly sorry for what happened, (Y/n)." He spoke again. The little girl looked up at the gentleman, "What am I supposed to do now Mr. Joestar? Am I going to the orphanage like what everyone said?" Her (e/c) eyes glosses as her lips quiver. She struggled not to choke out a sob as they both walk into the carriage. "No, no, little one, you're going to live with my son, Jonathan, and I for now on."

        Mr. Joestar smiles at her as the coachman open the door for the Nobleman and the young girl. The coachman help (Y/n) getting on the carriage as Mr. Joestar and (Y/n) sit on the soft cushion.

         The girl wipes her tears with her handkerchief. The older gentleman patted her back to comfort her.

        "Ah, now that I mentioned my son, You remember Jonathan, right?" He asked (Y/n) as she looks up trying to remember. "Is he the boy who has blue hair like you, and plays with me at my garden? Mr. Joestar?" She looks at him. He smiles and nods his head, "Yes that is him. You two get along so well, I'm sure Jonathan is happy to see you." He smiles, "Oh and please, call me George." She looks at him and nods.

She looks down as she swings her legs a bit. She began to fiddle her thumbs as she avoided eye contact. "May I asked a question, Mister George?" He chuckles from her politeness, "You may, now, what did you want to asked my dear?" He looks at her. "Why do you want me to live with you two?" She looks at him. He smiles at her and closed his eyes. He turns his head and he opens his eyes.

        He looks out of the window and began to talk, "Your parents are very good friends of mine, we made an oath if one of us passes away, one of us will take care of our children." He looks back at her.

        "Oh, I see." (Y/n) fiddle her thumbs shyly as George laughs. "No need to be shy my dear, I won't harm you." He gazed down to the girl's hand. He smiles fondly and spoke again. "You are just like your father, he tend to get shy and fiddle his thumbs." The girl stop fiddling her thumbs as she looks down with an embarrassed expression. He laughs as he pat her head. 

         "Master Joestar, we have arrived." The coachman announced as he stop the carriage. The coachman gets out of the carriage as he opens the door for George and (Y/n). George steps off of the carriage as he held his hand out to (Y/N). She looks at him and hold his hand. George helped her out of the carriage. She thanked him as she looks at the mansion in front of her.

        The young girl stares at the mansion in awe as George chuckles at her reactions. "Of course, you had never been to my home before, well this is your new home now, my dear-" He was cut off by a shout. "Father! You're back!" George and (Y/N) turned their heads to the direction of the voice.

        (Y/n) stared at the young lad that  approaches them with a smile on his face. A bark can be heard as the girl noticed a dog next to the boy. George smiles, "Jonathan, my boy, you're just in time to welcome (Y/N). She's going to live with us."

        Jonathon stop running and looks at the young girl. He stares at her and tilts his head a bit, he blinks. He then began to smiles brightly, "Oh! You're that girl back in the (F/N) residence! Hello!" The boy walks towards her happily. The girl blinks and smiles back . "Hello Jonathan." She looks at the dog who stared at her. Jonathon noticed her stare and looks back. He smiles. "This is Danny! He's my dog. Say hi to... er, (Y/N), was it?" He asked her, she nodded her head.

         Danny barked and walk towards the girl. (Y/N) slowly reaches her hand out to him as Danny sniffed her hand. He began to lick her hand which made her giggles. "That tickles!" She kept on giggling. Danny stop licking her hand and made a whine happy sound as the dog nuzzles her hand. Jonathan smiles widely, "He likes you!"

        She giggles, "Yeah!" George smiles from the interaction of his child and his friend's child. "Alright you two, get inside, the clouds are getting darker. It's going to rain soon and we don't want to get wet, do we?" The children said no. The two look at each other and giggles, they run off inside the mansion as Danny runs off to follow them.

        George chuckles and shook his head, 'I'm sure they're going to get along just fine.'  He looks up at the sky.

'I hope you and (M/n) are at peace, (F/n), Do not worry, Your daughter is in safe hands.' He smiles sadly as he walk towards his mansion. 'I've got a feeling something big is going to happen soon my friend.'

(( I hope you like the prologue, oh and I drew (Y/N), you can imagine what she looks like. I decided to color her grey since she's you, you can imagine her skin color, eyes, hair. And I suck  at drawing a seven year old >_>. Also this is my first time writing a story! I have ZERO experience on this! Any feedback/ constructive criticism is alright with me!
Edit 10/02/2020 : Hello this is Jocelyne, I have decided that I'll be editing and redraw some stuffs. I have to re-read my story and was a bit disappointed but worry not! I have not given up this story! Soooo yeah! Aaannd I may have somewhat drew (y/n) but  with different looks  to make things more, diverse, since poc female readers are rare. Kind of like a custom character in a dressing game, it's alright if you don't like it! I completely understand that most of you like to imagine your appearance with the characters, and it's fine! ))

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