Chapter 5 : Loss of Humanity

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Key words
(Y/n)= Your Name
(E/c)= Eye color
(H/c) = Hair Color
        Dio glared at Jonathan as lightning strike outside causing the room to shine for a moment. 'He's caught me. But I won't run. I came back here to fight JoJo!' He glared at Jonathan.

        "I found the antidote." Jonathan out the candles down on the table. "Father just took it. Dio, I'm heartbroken. We were raised as brothers and now I have to turn you in. I'm sorry. And not just me, but (Y/n) as well." Jonathan looked at her. She looks stares at Dio with a sad frown on her face.

         Dio looked at (Y/n), her disappointed yet sad gaze cause him to falter a bit. "We grew so close through out the years, Dio. I can't believe you were planning to get rid of George.." She turned her head to the side, not wanting to look at him anymore. Jonathan face softens as he looks at her. He looks back at Dio. "You might not believe that, but we mean it." Dio sighs as he sat down on a chair.

        Dio looked at Jonathan, "That compassion is very like you." He then looked down. "JoJo, this is selfish, but I have a final favor to ask." Jonathan looked surprise but for (Y/n), she felt her gut twisted, not liking where this is going.

         Dio looked back Jonathan with a sorrow expression on his face. "Please, give me time. Time to turn myself in." Jonathan was caught off guard at what he said. 'What's this? I excepted him to fight like a cornered animal!' (Y/n) was also caught off guard, 'This is not what I had imagine. Maybe my guts were wrong?'

        'JoJo, how did you make it out of the slum alive?! It would have been better if (Y/n) was the only one alive. I'll have to distract him, then with one quick stab...' Dio internally scowled.

"I regret my life until now! Being poor when I was a child made me greedy! What I did was wrong. I tried to poison and rob the man who raised me!" They watched Dio's eyes began to fill with tears. "I came back to turn myself in. If I wanted to run, I could have gone anywhere!" Jonathan stared at him and looks at (Y/n) who looks back at him. "T-That's true." He looks back at Dio.

"I want to make amends." Dio's arm went under his coat. "Dio—" Jonathan was soon cut off by a voice.

        "Careful, Mister Joestar, Madam (Y/n). Don't trust a word that snake says." Jonathan and (Y/n) looks back at the blonde man they met back at Ogre Street. He light up the match to show his face. Dio looked at the blonde male in shock and confusion.

        "Who am I, you asked? Allow me to introduce myself." He smiles as he make the fire off. He flicked the match and smiles. "I'm Robert E. O Speedwagon, the meddler. I was worried about Jonathan and Lady (Y/n), so I came back with them. Since I like you two, Mister Joestar, Madam (Y/n), let me tell you two something." The three looked at Speedwagon.

        Speedwagon began to walk towards their side, "I've been living in some pretty rough places all my life, and I've met a lot of scumbags. I can tell a good man from a bad one by the way he smells." He stood beside the young woman as he points at Dio.

        Dio's body shook in rage, "And this one reeks! He reeks worse than a pile of puke!" Speedwagon kicked the candle at Dio as moved his head to the side a bit. "I've never met a man as wicked as him!" Dio glared at the blonde man.

        "Wicked because of circumstances? No!" Speedwagon, again, points at Dio as he speaks loudly, "You've been evil since the day you were born!" The male walked over to the curtain as he began to talk, "This face is familiar to you, isn't it?" He grabbed a short Asian man and threw him to the ground.

        Dio gasped in shock as he saw the Asian man. "This man has testified that he sold you the poison." Jonathan spoke as Dio looked him, swear beads goes down on his face.

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