Chapter 1 : Dio the Invader

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Key Words
(Y/n) = Your name
(F/n) = Family name
(Y/n) grabbed Danny's head gently to her lap. She turned her head towards the two boys who glared at each other. She glared at the boy and shouted, "What is your problem!?" Her mind was racing with so many questions. What the hell just happened and how did that happened? 'Now...where do I begin?' (Y/n) closed her eyes and tries to remember.

'I remember eating breakfast with George and Jonathan, the usual. JoJo left somewhere to god knows where. I took Danny out for a walk for about five to ten minutes. Danny and I came back. JoJo came back and there was a boy who looks like he's the same age as Jojo and I. Danny got too excited when he saw the boy and JoJo. And..that's right..this boy kneed Danny!' She snarled at the thought.

"W-what was that for!? You'll pay for that!" Jonathan's screams snapped out of the young female's thoughts. She glared at the blonde boy. Poor Danny whimpers as his body shaken up in shock and pain. She looks down at Danny, feeling concerned for the poor dog. She watched Jonathan gets into a fighting stance as the blonde fiend did the same.

       'So this is the Joestar heir.' The blonde male think as he get into position, waiting for Jonathan to strike. He gazed upon the blue haired boy. 'He looks like a pampered brat.' He glanced back at the girl letting the dog's head rest onto her lap. She glares at him, 'Who is she?' He shook his head, 'Doesn't matter,' He look back at Jonathan, 'We'll see who has it all after I get through with him.'

His thoughts was soon caught off by an older voice. "What's the matter?" The young man turned around and saw an older nobleman walks towards Jonathan and him. 'So this must be George Joestar.'

(Y/n) turned her head when she heard George's voice. She watched the adult male walk towards the boys as he continued to asked, "What's going on here?" She was about to answered but the boy with amber eyes beat her to it. "I'm sorry. The dog jumped at me. It was a reflex." She glared at his direction as Danny whimpers.

The bastard turned his body to face George as he stand up straight. 'Reflex my ass! How can someone kneed a dog! It's usually people who either take a step back or run away!' She held a scoff at her thought. She look down at Danny and petted his head gently.

"Welcome Dio." George smiles kindly at the young boy. "You are part of our family now." (Y/n) entered as she fixes her white dress and cleans off of the dirt. She frowns a bit as she heard that Dio, the blonde "fiend", is part of the Joestar family.

George turned around to look at everyone and continue to speak, "Everyone, I owe my life to this boy's father. Treat him as you would to JoJo and (Y/n)." The staff bowed, "Yes, lord." One of the butlers replied. George turned back to Dio, who smiles at him, "Dio, this is your home now. Live like JoJo and (Y/n) does." Dio bowed his head a bit as he responds, "Thank you for your hospitality, Sir Joestar."

George rest his hands to Jonathan and (Y/n)'s shoulder, "You've three lost your mothers and you're the same age. You should get along well." He looks at Jonathan, "JoJo, forget about Danny, alright?" Jonathon looks at his father, "Yes, Father. I'm sure I'd be surprised if a strange dog jumped at me, so I understand." Jonathan smiles at his father.

George smiles back and looks at (Y/n), "That goes the same to you, (Y/n)." The young maiden looks at him and smiles a bit. "Of course, Mister George." The older Joestar chuckles and patted her head.

"Ah, by the way, I'm supposed you haven't known about Dio living with us. Dio, I would like you to meet (Y/n) (F/n), Like I have said before, she lost both of her parents. Her parents were very good friends of mine and we had an oath to take of her if they both passed away." George look at (Y/n) with a smile on his face, expecting her to greet the young lad. (Y/n) looks at him and looks back at Dio.

She gave him a small polite smile and curtsied. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dio. I hope we get along." She kept her head down for a bit so Dio wouldn't noticed a scowl on her face. She lifted her head up and smiles at him. 'I hope you go jump off a bridge near by.' She curses at him in her mind as Dio looks at her. Dio took her hand gently and kisses the back of her hand.

The kiss caught her off guard a bit but kept on smiling. "The pleasure is mine, (Y/n)." The boy gave her a small smirk which irritates the young lady. Jonathan looked at Dio with a small glare as he looks at his female friend.

Jonathan look at Dio and began to think, 'I do wish he's apologize. But we'll be living together, So I have to be nice.' He then look at (Y/n), 'But knowing (Y/N), she doesn't take lightly to those who hurt Danny or any kind of animals. She really love animals, how kind of her.' He kept on looking at her, which the said girl moved her hand back as she smiles at Dio.

She notice Jonathan staring at her and gives him a sweet, genuine smile. The young boy felt his cheeks flushed of being caught. He smiled back at her. Jonathan notice his father walks upstairs, "This way, Dio. I'll show your room." "Yes, sir." He watched Dio going upstairs.

Jonathan looked back at Dio's suitcase, wanting to be help him, he reached over the suitcase. His hand was suddenly grabbed. He gasped in pain. He look at Dio as he gripped his Jonathan's wrist tightly. Jonathan looked at him and glanced back at (Y/N), who gives out a shock expression.

        "Hey what's the big idea, Dio?!" She raised her voice a bit . "Hands off. No one touches my bags!" Dio spoke as he ignored (Y/N), who keeps glaring at him. Dio glared at Jonathan and continue to speak, "Keep your dirty paws to yourself! Got it!?" The younger Joestar try to move out of Dio's grip, "I was trying to help!" Jonathan spoke out loudly.

Dio ended up hitting his elbow to Jonathan's chest. "JoJo!" Jonathan heard (Y/N) as she runs towards to his side. He touched his chest in pain. 'He hit my chest too hard..' "I'll have a servant carry them." Dio spoke. Suddenly, Dio pulled Jonathan's ear, "Listen closely, JoJo, (Y/N)." Jonathan looked at him in pain, "I might be your guest, but I won't take any lip from you two. I always comes first! I'm number one!" Dio spoke as Jonathan heard a small yelp, he looked over to see Dio gripping (Y/n)'s wrist.

She glared at Dio who was grabbing her wrist with his hand as his other on Jonathan's ear. She gritted her teeth, trying to refrain any more noises from the pain that Dio gives her. "No one looks down their noses at me!" Dio smirked at JoJo. "What are you blabbering about?" (Y/n) mumbled. "But I just want to be friends!" Jonathan whimpers. Dio let go of JoJo's ear but still hadn't let go of the girl's wrist. 'Jesus Christ who hurt him so much that he turned out to be this way?!' Her mind screams as he continued to talk. "And another thing, I hate dogs. They don't scare me. I just can't stand their boot licking. So keep that dumb mutt Danny away from me."

Feeling irritated, (Y/n) spoke up, "Can you just let go of my hand, please?" She glared at that bastard who won't stop gripping her wrist. Dio looks at her. He was about to say something but was cut off by George from upstairs. "What's keeping you three? Hurry along." Dio looked at her and let go of her wrist. Finally free from Dio's grip, she rubbed her wrist and grunts. As she removed her hand from her wrist, she noticed a bruise. She glared at him for gripping in her wrist for too long. Dio smirks and looks up the stairs. "Yes, sir." (Y/n) watched him walking up stairs. Remembering about Jonathan, she turned around and rushes towards him.

       With Dio's arrival, Jonathan's happy life spiraled into misery and as for (Y/N)'s life has become stressful.

To be Continued...

((Whew! That's was a lot of words and paragraphs! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had to rewatch Dio and Jonathan's interaction when they first met. And I also drew what 12 year old (Y/N) looks like! I was having a hard time drawing her hair and dress so I decided to research what hairstyles and dress looks like back in Victorian Era. Edit June 21, 2020 : So I decided to change to only third person's point of view, I think it wrote better for me that way, it is hard enough to get the characters to act like from the anime, I wouldn't wanted them to act ooc. ))

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