Chapter 2 : A Challenge And A Dear Friend

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|| Okay so I forgot to put keys so I'll type that down.
(Y/n) = Your Name
(E/c) = Eye color
(N/n) = Nickname
So enjoy this long ass chapter!||

(Y/n) flinched from the sound of Jonathan getting smacked by George. "That's another mistake, JoJo!" She glance at Jonathan as he held his hand in pain. George pointed at her and Dio, "Look at Dio and (Y/n)! Twenty out of twenty correct!" (Y/n) felt embarrassed as he called out her name. She looked back at Jonathan as he lower his head in shame.

As they finished studying, they all gather for dinner. (Y/n) chew on her food slowly, enjoying the flavor that the chef cooked. She look to her left at her male friend, Jonathan, scarfing his food down quickly. "Jojo, calm down and enjoy your fo-" Before she can finish talking, Jonathan knock the glass, spilling his drink. This cause George to hit the table . (Y/n) flinches, startled from the sound. She look at George as he scold Jonathan again. "Jojo, you call yourself a gentleman?! Where are your manners?!" She watch him stood up and ordered the butler to clear Jonathan's plate. "Eh?!" Jonathan looked at his father in disbelief.

George looked back at him, "No dinner for you, looking at Dio, I see I've spoiled you. I've been a shameful father." He stop as he looks at (Y/n), he began to speak up. "I noticed I've also spoiled (Y/n) but look at her!" He pointed at her which caused her hands to twitch, not liking of being mentioned. "A young lady as herself, her table manners are remarkable! She does not rushed eating her food like an animal!" She slowly gazed on Jonathan as he look down sadly while the butler took his plate away. "Dio's manners are impeccable!" I glanced at Dio as he drink with a small smirk on his face.

She look back at her friend as he gets up and runs away to his room. "JoJo..." (Y/n) muttered as she watched him running. "Hm. What an oaf." Dio spoke, (Y/n) didn't dare to look back at him. She clench her hand into a fist, struggle not to get up from her seat to punch his smug face.

"As for you (Y/n)," She look back at George as she loosen her grip. He sighs, "You need to stop looking after him as if he's a baby. I know you mean well and I appreciate that you care for him but he needs to be discipline." She looked down at her hands, "It's for his own good, (Y/n)." She sigh and smiles at the older male. "No, I understand Mister George." He smiles back and sit back down.

The three continued to eat as (Y/n) kept thinking about Jonathan. She then began to plan something, she tried her best not to smile at her plan. Dio noticed her small smile and raised a brow, wondering what she is planning but began to loose interest.

Later in the night, why everyone is asleep, (Y/n) looked around as she carries a plate of scones. She smiles as she sneakily walk to Jonathan's room. She tip toeing towards the door. She grins as she opens the door gently. She enters Jonathan's room and closed the door. She smiles proudly of her sneaking skills. Her (E/c) eyes looks around the room and saw Jonathan stared at her with confused expression. "(Y/n-," She quickly shushed him, causing him to shut his mouth as she he looks surprised. She stroll towards him. "Not so loud JoJo," she whispers and tries not to giggle. "Anyways, I've got scones for you~" She smiles as she shown the boy the plate.

        Jonathan's eyes widen as he looks at the scones, he looks at the dessert hungrily and looks at her. "Is it okay for me to eat it?" Jonathan whispers. She nod her head and smiles. "I know you're still hungry after Mister George had to take your food away." She whispers and smiles . Jonathan, felt touch for her concern for him, smiles at her, "Thank you, (Y/n)." He thanked her, (Y/n) smiles back.

As the night went by, cheers were heard in the young Jonathan's ear. He watch the boxing match ended as he gets ready for his match. He watches the young lad, who looks like he's the same age as him, stretches his arms. It's been a year since the mysterious kid joined. "Benjamin Reese had won the match yet again!" The announcer cheered loudly as the crowd cheer for the young boy as he tipped his hat down a bit. Benjamin walked over to the lad who had lost the match. Hs looks up at Benjamin, "Good game." Benjamin mumbles as he reaches his hand to help him get up.

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